Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Afternoon

After Christmas morning at home it was time to head to aunt Catherine and uncle Mark's.  Delaney called aunt Catherine to let her know we were running a few minutes behind (what else is new)......

And grabbed her coat...........

And was ready to go!
But not before grabbing our Santa hats to take for dessert.  Ok people here it is--THREE ingredients (1. Mini brownies--I "may" have bought them already made at Sam's Club, 2. Strawberries 3. White morsels you melt in microwave and pipe around strawberries).  And as if you even have to ask---Pinterest!!!
Cousins Caleb and Amelia were in town from Washington (no clue how I managed not to get a picture of Amelia).  Delaney and Caleb played in the play room until they decided it was time to open presents.  Caleb said "come on Laney let's open presents".................
 Is this not precious?????  Amelia sure has a sweet big brother!
 But SOMEONE was more into paying attention to Caleb's presents...............
 Here's Delaney taking a peek at the desserts!!!!
And then it was time to leave and head to aunt Beth's WHO LIVES 10 MINUTES AWAY!! Here is Delaney at 5:00 on the way!  I got there and asked if we could hold our Christmas get together in the car!!!

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