Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rainy Day Fun!!!

Delaney woke up from her nap yesterday and wanted to go outside and play in the rain.  Only it wasn't raining.....but that didn't stop her from wanting to wear her rain boots!  We played outside for an hour and when we came in, for the next 45 minutes, Delaney continued to wear her hood and her boots!
  She went into the garage and got into my golf balls (pink of course!)

Monday, January 30, 2012

ELMO has invaded our home!

Each night, before Delaney goes to bed she grabs: 2 babies, 2 cell phones and 2 blankets!  Somehow, she manages to carry it all to her room.  Delaney wore her Elmo shirt (Etsy) for the first time this weekend.  Can you believe I paired it with her red pants and red shoes????? When it was time to put on her pajamas, I said "arms up" and her arms went stiff.  The girl would NOT stop crying.  I didn't know what was wrong but quickly realized after I took off the shirt and sat it on top of her laundry basket she wanted it back on!  So, she slept in it!  Or so I thought....when I went to get her up yesterday morning, here is what I saw (I ran to get the camera!)  At some point, the kid took off the shirt (inside out) and threw it on the floor.....I mean one minute she's loving the red creature (what do I call him?? monster? puppet?) and the next she's throwing her shirt on the floor!  So I thought maybe her obsession with Elmo was over.  But if you saw our DVR you would know that is NOT the case.  I lost count how many episodes I watched yesterday of Sesame Street and now she only wants to watch Elmo (she calls Cookie Monster "cookie") so I have to fast forward until they show Elmo!  She now brings me the remote and says "Elmo"......................
See why I needed a Kindle???  Here is a small portion of my books that are stacked in my room.  Delaney managed to "unstack" them in a matter of seconds............she likes to take off the book covers for some reason.
 Then she came running out of my room carrying this book!!!  She really is my world traveler......

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fiesta Friday!

"Delaney" decided it was too cold on Friday to wear a dress to her great grandma's birthday party.  So we made a quick wardrobe change and she was ready to leave.  She loves to put on her mittens (and take them off just as quickly)..........
 "Mommy, what do you mean it's not time to leave yet"????
"Well I'm leaving my Hounds tooth coat aunt Trina got me on until it's time".............
"Can someone explain to me why my shoes don't squeak anymore"?????? Are you loving this kitty cat sweater?  Delaney's aunt Ju Ju got it for her!
Once we got to aunt Catherine and uncle Mark's Delaney went straight to the playroom (and brought out all of the toys to the living room) and made herself right at home---the kid hates socks!  (Have you noticed the pony tail didn't make it to the party????) Never does.................
We made a group photo with the Super Bowl banners cousin Stephen made at his work.  Not sure why we didn't think to wait for cousin Maria for the photo????  Uncle David and cousin Maria drove up from Bowling Green for the party and may or may not have gotten to enjoy some Superbowl festivities while they were here!  It is a little hard to tell from this picture but I got my hair cut off (well, by my standards).  I needed a "mom cut".
And then it was time for great grandma to open her present.  Of course Delaney had other things in mind!
She got a new ottoman to go with her new sofa!  Delaney may or may not have made a mess with the white packing foam all over aunt Catherine's floor but according to uncle Mark she can do whatever she wants!  Perhaps Delaney should have taken her Dyson!
And here is Delaney with her great grandma---oh wait, that's last year!!!  Look how happy she is (NO REALLY--look!)
Because this year's picture looks a tad different!!!!  This is proof for all of you who always ask me if Delaney ever cries!
And then she was back to being her happy self once cousin Adarrah joined in (and a little bribery with an Elmo book)!!
We had a mexican fiesta and of course desserts!  It was a fun night and a certain someone may have gotten home and in bed an hour and a half past her bedtime!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Little Monkey

(Sorry for the poor quality unedited photos but it's late and frankly, I just don't feel like editing---did I mention my favorite FREE editing program---Picnik----is shutting down April 19th??)

Does anyone know what to do when your kid is so camera shy?????

After story time yesterday (which was just as fun as last week) we went to get Delaney's bangs trimmed.  Can you tell from this picture how still she sat??????
 Apparently, even Delaney gets tired of hearing me talk!!!
 She was not happy to hear Grey's was a repeat last night!!!
Delaney has a birthday party to attend so she's been trying to decide which dress to wear........we'll let you know what "she" decides on!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TwEnTy-TwO mOnThS

Delaney woke up yesterday morning (at 10:00 a.m.) and wanted to go "mall walking".  So, we put on our Shox (and matching grey puffer vests) and hit the mall.  I got Delaney a couple of bows on clearance at Von Maur (brown which is hard to tell in the picture) and a new Christmas bow!  As I was buying them, I looked down and realized Delaney wasn't wearing her bow.  So we backtracked and there it was on the floor of the children's department!  Why on earth I bought her more is beyond me!!!  After a little more "mall walking" it was time to go home for Delaney's nap OR SO I THOUGHT!  I contemplated waiting until after Delaney got up from her nap to leave but I figured that wouldn't be until around 4:00 or so so we just decided to leave at noon and be home by 2:00.  Delaney typically naps four hours after she wakes up for about 2 hours.  Without fail, if Delaney falls asleep in the car on the way home for her nap she will NOT take a nap once we get home.  So, I never like for her to fall asleep and I kept looking at her in the rear view mirror to make sure she was awake.  At one point, I think she was sleeping with her eyes open and her coat zipper in her mouth!  She came right in and went to bed and she always gives me false hope she's going to stay there!  After a half hour she was still talking so I just decided to get her back up (which I RARELY do but she's just so much fun it's hard not to--I mean what was I suppose to do?? Dishes? Laundry??)  So, after a total of THREE episodes of Sesame Street it was time for Delaney to.............

 Earn her keep!!!!
WRONG TRASH CAN DELANEY!!!!  She loves to throw things away and every time I change out her diaper Genie she takes the bag down the hall (she dropped it and said "heavy" and then picked it back up) to the back door.

Every month I feel like I am doing these updates sooner than the last!  

  • I don't know any "stats" but I do know that any chance Delaney gets to go in my room she takes.  She went in today and stepped on the scale and it said 29 lbs.  I like to think my scale needs calibrated every time I get on it so I am not sure how accurate that is.  
  • I'd like to tell you what she's eating now but she eats everything but at the same time is so picky--does that make sense?  The girl is a HUGE snacker and it drives me bonkers.  I am not a snacker!
  • If she gets the sense our guests are leaving she immediately starts saying "bye"...she is sure to not let you outstay your welcome!
  • She has finally but rarely started saying "hi" on the telephone.
  • She is obsessed with watching Sesame Street and I wish the DVR had some new episodes because we are ready for some.  She now recognizes Cookie Monster and of course Elmo is her favorite.  I just know someday I am going to end up giving this kid an Elmo birthday party and you know he is not at all my favorite color!
  • Delaney is back to pretending like she's trying out for WWF when it comes to changing her diaper again and it is NOT fun!
  • She is doing well brushing her teeth but prefers to chew on her toothbrush!
  • She says a bajillion words so I can't begin to list them but my current favorites are: "love you", her version of "Von Maur" and of course....."mommy".
  • She still requires both of her day days wherever and whenever and has a strange obsession with her bath towel when she gets out of the bathtub.  In fact, as I sit here and type this it is in bed with her but she knows it's not a blanket and calls it a towel.
  • Her memory is INCREDIBLE (she gets this from me!)
  • Every time I am done talking on the phone she says "Angie"....guess she thinks I talk to Angie too much on the phone?????
  • Yesterday, Delaney climbed up on the bar stool and sat at the island and talked on her "mone" which is phone.  
  • I have stopped giving her juice and have been giving her Crystal Light---she still calls it juice.
  • Sometimes in the morning when she wakes up I will go get her and bring her in bed with me (what is it about kids loving their parent's bed??) and she sits up and says "toons" the girl can totally work the remote!  She really isn't into watching cartoons though and the t.v. doesn't really hold her attention (unless it's Sesame Street).  It only lasts a few minutes and then she starts telling me she wants to eat and what it is I am suppose to fix her.
Dear Delaney Cat,

We're closing in on our 2nd year and it seems like I should just delete those words because that just can't be possible.  It's so bittersweet to see you growing.  I want so badly to hold that 9 lb. baby again but yet at the same time I wake up each morning and think "what's in store for today" for my 29 lb (if those scales were right) baby.  Everyday it's something new with you.  You are full of personality and I love your persistence and how you are "tough" (or as tough as a girl can be at 22 months old).  If you fall, you get right back up and usually start laughing.  If you can't do something, you do it until you can! At the same time you are the sweetest little thing I have ever laid eyes on.  You can snuggle and give great big bear hugs and blow kisses and have started saying "love youuuuuuu" and it's so precious.  I told daddy I wanted to name you precious because I just knew you would be!  You completely recognize people and who they are and my land do you love your visitors.  You are also so friendly to complete and total strangers and say hi and bye and wave to everyone! Is there anyway you could just stop right here at 22 months?  Either way, you have my whole heart for my whole life!!!!!!

Love, mommy

Monday, January 23, 2012

Upside Down Day


Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Go Golts"

And yes, I realize that should read "Go Giants" or "Go Patriots" but this morning Delaney said "Go Golts" (out of the blue).  I had to explain to her once again, the "Golts" are not in the Superbowl this year (once again)!  

You may think she left the house this weekend because she's wearing her hat but she didn't, she went in her room, got in her drawer, and came out wearing it!  She wore it to story time on Thursday but of course wouldn't let me get her picture in it!!! 
 Although these are on Delaney's feet, they spent more time on her hands as puppets this weekend!!!

Of course, I have more things I want to remember so I need to blog about them.  Last night when it was bedtime I said "Delaney get your day days it's time for bed".  So she grabbed them (along with her cell phone and blanket which she calls "nenny") and walked into her room.  I picked her up, laid her in her crib and she looked up at me and said.................."BYE"!

She has a frog that dances to "Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake It" and today when it was naptime she grabbed all of her stuff and then walked up to the frog and turned it on. Then turned around and started dancing down the hall!

During her bath, she kept reaching out of the bathtub to grab the toilet paper and was told SEVERAL times not to do it.  After more "no no's" than I care to count, I think she got the hint because she looked down and didn't want to look up at me and when she finally did she of course started laughing and then she started playing peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain!  This little "she's mad I better make her laugh stunt" worked like a charm and I don't suppose I need to tell you where she got that from!!!!! I am such a sucker!

When she gets out of her bath she won't let me undo her towel and says she's cold.  So, we sit in the bathroom with her towel on her and snuggle.  I said "what's my name" and she said "mommy" and then I said "what's your name" and she said "uh oh".........(normally she says something along the lines of "Laney").

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week's End Wrap Up!

We've had a pretty quiet week around our house.  Yep, no craziness going on around here!  I mean if your kid can't eat their Cheerios in their sunglasses then what can they do???????
We broke out the Smoothie machine and made Delaney some to keep in the freezer.  I got these jam jars at Kroger.  And, the verdict's in---Delaney loves them!  I found a recipe for a peanut butter and banana smoothie so I'm going to make that one next.  Delaney LOVES fruit so I need to be making smoothies with vegetables instead.
I made Delaney a salad for the first time.  Complete with cucumbers (which she loves) and Ranch dressing (which she's never had).............................
 and apparently doesn't love!  WHO DOESN'T LIKE RANCH???????
By Thursday, Delaney and I needed out of the house.  So we put on our "Fuggs" (a/k/a fake Uggs) and off to story time we went!
 And as soon as we got home, it was time to decide what to play with first!!
We hadn't been to story time since before the holidays (they shut down for several weeks) so I really wanted to make sure to take her this week.  Our local library has added a 2nd day of story time so now we can go on Tuesday or Thursday (both at 11:00 a.m. and believe me we don't get there a minute early!)  I want to be sure to blog about how much fun Delaney was at story time this week.  When I got up and showered, it hadn't started snowing.  When I got out and went in to get Delaney, I looked out her window and it had of course started snowing!  I went ahead and got us ready and when we went to leave it was full blown snowing.  Stop at first stop sign--CHECK...stop at second stop sign--NOT POSSIBLE.  I thought about just turning around but HELLO did you see that cute outfit above that Delaney was wearing?  I couldn't just waste that on a car ride down the street! I am not a fan of driving in bad road conditions.  Just because I have four wheel drive (well actually I have no clue how to put it in four wheel drive, there's a button but it means nothing to me!) doesn't mean everyone else does!  So we arrived at story time and I was glad to see I wasn't the only mom who dragged my kid out for 30 minutes of singing and reading!  And then the fun began.....it had been about a month since we had been so I thought Delaney would act just the same.  I thought wrong!  SHE NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME.  She was so interactive this time.  She rarely sat on my lap and stood most of the time.  I've mentioned before when Delaney does something she's suppose to we clap and say "good girl".  There's a lot of clapping going on at story time so when Delaney hears clapping she instinctively says "good girl"....AND SHE DID...... EVERY TIME WE CLAPPED.........OUT LOUD.......SO EVERYONE HEARD HER! There is a mom who brings a little baby who sleeps in the car seat and Delaney spotted her immediately and pointed and yelled "day day" (she does this every time we see a baby---actually, it doesn't have to be a baby, it can be a kid older than her).  The lady next to me forgot to turn off her cell phone (who does that---in a library!?!?!) and wouldn't you know, it rang! And wouldn't you know who immediately got distracted and kept pointing to her cell phone.  It's so fun to see this side of Delaney. I wouldn't say she's shy (I mean that's just not genetically possible) but she stays right by me and follows right along with the songs and what she's suppose to be doing.  And no, I am not even close to thinking about putting her in preschool.  What the heck would I do all day????  I know, I know, it's for her to interact with other kids and I may be a little bias but I certainly don't think Delaney Catherine is going to lack in the social skills department---call me crazy!  Oh, and if you're wondering, I still don't let her stay afterwards and play with the library toys/puzzles! G-E-R-M-S...........and yes, in case you're also wondering, I am the only mom who doesn't let Delaney stay and play (we sit in the back and try to sneak out)!  I have "threatened" to take the video camera next time so you can see how much fun she is!!!

We have no plans to get out this weekend (and likely won't leave the house until we figure out how to turn on that darn four wheel drive---oh and no, we didn't get a new car, we've had it for THREE years!).

I also want to blog something cute that happened the other night.  I sat a drink down and Delaney immediately went and got me a coaster!!!  So we text her aunt Ju Ju to tell her!

So our week was good and pretty uneventful----other than the little "event" Delaney did in the bathtub Friday night!  But we never talk about poop on the blog so we won't talk about it!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Pinterest Projects"

Do you remember this chalkboard?  I bought it at THE CUTEST antique store in Dallas last year (Golightly's).  I recently repainted it with chalkboard spraypaint and now we have black paint on our deck from the over spray and wind so it would have a smooth finish.  Then, I saw the neatest idea on Pinterest.  Do you notice what's different (no need to waste your time reading my grocery list)?
I attached a drawer pull and it is a chalk holder!  So throughout the week when we run out of something I just write it on the chalkboard and then make a final grocery list (please tell me I am not the only one who writes my grocery list based on the layout of the grocery store?? it really saves a lot of backtracking!!!)  Granted, I could have done that before but that meant walking across the kitchen to the junk drawer to get the chalk and that would fall into the category of exercise!! (Oh, and if you are by chance reading my grocery list, the Kool-Aid is for another Pinterest Project--NOT for Delaney)!!
And next up for "project Pinterest"........Am I the only one who has a million of these store loyalty cards??? You hole punch them and put them on...........
A metal ring!  I couldn't find the rings at Hobby Lobby (because I had no clue what they were really for so I didn't know what section they were in but I did find them at JoAnn's in the needlepoint section....I think).  They come in a 2 pack so you can even make one for your mom!!!  I recently weeded out A LOT of these cards so I don't have as many but I think it will be handy because I am THAT PERSON who will make the person behind me in line wait until I find my card!!!  Oh, and FYI, the Trade Secret cards are only good for one year!  I didn't know that until AFTER I bought it!!!!
So after our projects yesterday, we realized we were out of milk so off to the grocery we went..........poor Delaney didn't get up early enough though (10:00 a.m.) to watch the weather so she'd know there wasn't going to be any sun!
 And I wasn't about to tell her!  I love how she knew to put her sunglasses on top of her head!
I tried to get her picture just before we left (it's not so easy these days to get her to look at the camera long enough to take a picture) and I said "Delaney let me take your picture" so she backed up to the cabinet and then decided not to look at me..............(look closely at the childproof cabinet lock that's NOT LOCKED).
And yes, the red purse went to the grocery with us, carrying 3 of her 6 cell phones.  I think she thinks she's going to miss a call!
An hour and a half later, we were home.  Delaney RARELY goes to the grocery with me.  The girl has to say hi to EVERY.SINGLE.PERSON we encounter!!!  And to the man who didn't say hi to my kid in the dairy section SHAME ON YOU SIR!!!!

I also want to record a couple of things from yesterday:

Delaney constantly throws down her sippy cup and it absolutely positively drives me crazy!!!  Yesterday she was sitting in her high chair and threw it on the floor and immediately said "sorry"........I have never heard her say that before!

Last night, Delaney puckered up and made her fish lips and then leaned up and gave me a kiss all on her own!!! oh.my.word. it was so precious!

Apparently Delaney needs to spend less time in her pj's because a few times in the morning I have asked her if she wanted to get dressed and she said "bye bye"!!  This girl thinks you only get dressed to leave the house!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"M" is for Mother, not Maid........

Did you know Delaney isn't allowed to eat in the living room?  Nope, she sure isn't (and yes, she's still wearing her Christmas pajamas)..............
But when she does, I do appreciate how she knows how to use a coaster, even if it is upside down. I asked her to clean up her fish (I wish I knew how to type how she pronounces fish, it is NOTHING that remotely sounds like fish and she doesn't make the "f" sound at all)......but she really wasn't into cleaning them up......
 Or her toys for that matter.........................
 I couldn't resist taking a picture of her very first hand print in the snow (which is now thankfully melted)!!!