Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Crunch Time

Delaney recently received a letter in the mail from her Pre-K3 teacher telling her how much she's looking forward to having her in class.  She coincidentally attached a long list of stuff for her mom to buy for the classroom!!(Delaney LOVES getting mail).  Everyday when we go out to the mailbox she asks if she got mail.  Then she says, "mommy, did you get bills or mail"...........

Delaney's teacher told her in her letter she has already started praying for her.  But I'm pretty sure this shirt is more like it.  We go for orientation this week so you better go ahead and start praying for me too! I am COMPLETELY having second thoughts when it comes to being away from my girl SEVEN hours a week! She asked me yesterday if I was going to cry while she was at school! WHO asks their mother that! Already stocking up on waterproof mascara!

And for today's "Delaney's Daily"...................

Arms Crossed, "mommy, can I talk to you for a second, I don't like this show (House Hunters), I want to watch Judge Judy"!!!!!!!!!!

I can assure you, I don't watch Judge Judy, so we'll be talking to grandma about this!!

Then she asked me if Big Brother was on!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Good Thing

Delaney got a new umbrella last night! She waited all day for it to rain!

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Little......

And a little shopping.....
Makes for a GREAT day!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

As Promised............

Delaney's overpriced dance recital pictures.  Most of you, well, any of you who have stepped foot in our house, have already seen these because I have forced one on you!!!!
I am working on editing the video to post because I am pretty sure you don't want to watch all 7 hours of it!!
Oh, and if you have been or plan on coming to our house, you barely step foot in the door before we make you watch it! Perhaps I have turned into a dance mom after all!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Delaney's New Backpack

That's as big as she is!! 
And WHO KNEW backpacks come with a slot for mp3 cords!!!???

Delaney got a mini backpack for Christmas but she is suppose to have one big enough for a folder to fit in so that gave us a reason to head to PBK!! As soon as she saw their Anytime chairs hanging on the wall, she pointed to them and said, look mommy, timeout chairs!" Yes folks, I know this may shock you, but even little DC gets timeouts! I went to give her a timeout a while back but she was already sitting in her chair! Guess we need a backup chair......Instead of picking out her backpack, she headed straight to the pink retro phone.  Despite the fact she tells me she wants to be a "fire fire" and a "docker", I am seeing a future CEO!!!  I mean we all know she's "bossy" enough.  
 Disregard the bedhead..........Delaney picked out the kitty cats (not my first pick but I'm not the one who has to carry it I guess, just picking my battles!).
When we were leaving, Delaney said we needed to go back in and buy the pink phone because she needed to take it to school.  When we told her she couldn't take a phone to school she said she wanted it so SHE COULD CALL HER MOMMY FROM SCHOOL!!!!!

What mom wouldn't have marched back in there and bought it???? I sure hope her classroom has a phone outlet! If not, I guess she will be the youngest kid to own an iphone (she loves to facetime)!

I'm still not sold on this whole preschool idea.  So I've left the tag on the backpack.  Delaney woke up at 10:00 this morning. Does that sound like a kid who is going to get to school on time????

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

They're Baaaaaaaaaack Jack! (Well, very soon)

I know I should be blogging about the great weekend we had or how Delaney picked out her new backpack for school but this seemed just as important!!!

August 14th!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Delaney's Daily

"Delaney, I missed you today while I was helping my friend move". "Mommy, I want to move". "Where do you want to move to Delaney"?

"Olive Garden"!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's Back On!!

So this train wreck of a show comes back on tonight and we can't wait!  I mean it's no Newsroom but it is quite entertaining!  I am pretty sure David would NOT be ok with Delaney watching half the shows she watches but I do know he would be thrilled that she is a huge fan of Big Brother! 

Delaney has been her entertaining self these last few weeks.  I am always quick to remind her to share and I often say "Delaney, we share in this house".  Which I probably need to stop saying so she doesn't think she only has to share in our house.  She is back into the phase of constantly getting a hold of my cell phone. The girl can rotate the camera and take no less than 500 (or 524 the last time to be exact) pictures of herself in a matter of seconds.  So the other day she got a hold of my phone and I told her that it wasn't hers to play with and that it was mine.  Her response "no mommy, it is Delaney's and mommy's, remember, we share in this house"!!! TU SHAY MY THREE YEAR OLD, TU SHAY!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I can't stand.................

All the cuteness!!!
And today's funny....

"Sorry mommy, I can't talk right now, I'm busy"!

And then there was "thanks mommy, I knew you wouldn't let me down"!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

"Mommy, can I ask you something".....

"Of course Delaney, you can always ask mommy anything"...... "Mommy, why 
do you have so many clothes"???

(I certainly wasn't expecting that)..........

Thursday, July 11, 2013

PTA, PTO, PTF, PT"I DON'T THINK SO"..................

So tonight is the first PTF (why don't we still call it PTA??) meeting at Delaney's school and I can tell you one mom who won't be attending!  I have been forewarned by lots of my mom friends not to let them "suck me in"--their words, not mine! I have seen how stressful it can be to be a member of these organizations! NO THANK YOU.

Why does Delaney sound so excited to leave her mommy for 7 hours a week????


Teacher-Mrs. Flora
Principal- Mrs. Wall

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We're Having......

The BEST summer!!!!
Just maybe not the best hair days!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I Love.....




Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fashion Week or 4th of July???

It's been a little hard to tell in our house this week even though Fashion Week is a couple of months away!!! 
I'm pretty sure we had THE BEST 4th of July ever this year! I'll let the pictures do the talking.....
Oh who am I kidding, you know I can't not talk!! Delaney saw fireworks for the first time and loved them.
We had tons of friends over to celebrate and 9 hours later Delaney was crying because our party was over! I think I have a party planner in the making on my hands!! 
Remember when you were a kid and you got in and out of the pool all day long?!? It was that kind of day! I wish I took more pictures, I promise, we really did have people over!!! I think there were about 30 of us and food for 130!! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

As you can imagine....

There is never a dull moment in our house!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"No Cavities"..........................

Music to every mom's ears!!  To be perfectly honest, when Delaney went to the dentist for the first time last week, it never even crossed my mind she could have cavities until I heard "no cavities".  I mean do they treat baby teeth?  That seems like a big scam!  The night before her appointment, I was teaching her the dentist's name and when I said "Dr." she said "he's not a doctor, he's a dentist".  Three year olds, they're so literal!!! Thank goodness she didn't repeat that at the visit.  Here she is SUCKING HER THUMB on the way!

She headed straight to the toys where she grabbed the motorcycle and dinosaur to play with!

All I see when I look at this picture is GERMS! I couldn't believe I let her sit and play with the toys. That NEVER happens! NEVER

And of course she picked the orange glasses to wear.  The hygienist said "I wouldn't have guessed that".  I told her we were in the orange phase (it's a long phase.............)

THAT MORNING before we left the house, she informed me she didn't want to sit in the dentist chair "anymore".  She didn't change her mind once we got there........

No cavities=free Steak n Shake coupon.  Delaney doesn't even know what a shake is.
  Bless her heart.

Oh, and did I mention how the hygienists said "She is so stinkin cute" and the other girl said "I just love her little face, DOES SHE LOOK LIKE HER DAD"?  We are obviously switching dentists!! ha ha ha!!! WHO SAYS THAT????

Monday, July 1, 2013

Love me some Delaney

Don't you..........