Saturday, July 27, 2013

Delaney's New Backpack

That's as big as she is!! 
And WHO KNEW backpacks come with a slot for mp3 cords!!!???

Delaney got a mini backpack for Christmas but she is suppose to have one big enough for a folder to fit in so that gave us a reason to head to PBK!! As soon as she saw their Anytime chairs hanging on the wall, she pointed to them and said, look mommy, timeout chairs!" Yes folks, I know this may shock you, but even little DC gets timeouts! I went to give her a timeout a while back but she was already sitting in her chair! Guess we need a backup chair......Instead of picking out her backpack, she headed straight to the pink retro phone.  Despite the fact she tells me she wants to be a "fire fire" and a "docker", I am seeing a future CEO!!!  I mean we all know she's "bossy" enough.  
 Disregard the bedhead..........Delaney picked out the kitty cats (not my first pick but I'm not the one who has to carry it I guess, just picking my battles!).
When we were leaving, Delaney said we needed to go back in and buy the pink phone because she needed to take it to school.  When we told her she couldn't take a phone to school she said she wanted it so SHE COULD CALL HER MOMMY FROM SCHOOL!!!!!

What mom wouldn't have marched back in there and bought it???? I sure hope her classroom has a phone outlet! If not, I guess she will be the youngest kid to own an iphone (she loves to facetime)!

I'm still not sold on this whole preschool idea.  So I've left the tag on the backpack.  Delaney woke up at 10:00 this morning. Does that sound like a kid who is going to get to school on time????

1 comment:

  1. wow, she is getting so big. Is she starting Kindergarten this year? Vladamier will be starting First Grade and he is super excited about it. We will meet his teacher on August 8
