Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Thank you for taking me to Disney World Mommy"

The fact that the Newsom girls made it to our seats BEFORE the show started was like watching Miracle on Pennsylvania Street!!!! Exhibit A how easy it is to get a 3 year old to smile for the went down hill from there.........
Perhaps we should have worn Sleeping Beauty instead of Snow was nap time.......

Someone wasn't interested in sitting in her seat!!
She had no clue who the Seven Dwarfs were...ooooops!
And just as we left and I was irritated why a three year old was upset she didn't get a $15 snow cone when she already got the "one thing" I told her she could get, I heard from the backseat "mommy, thank you for taking me to Disney World"!! And then I wasn't so irritated when I thought about how cheap I got out of "Disney World".........

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Some days she wants to be a fire fire.  Some days she wants to be a construction worker (true story). 
Some days she wants to be a princess......
I just want her to be happy......(ok and maybe not so much a construction worker)!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fashion Week

Has come a month early in our house....
Delaney has entered the phase of changing outfits 52 times a day! I hope it's a short phase......

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Couldn't Resist

Here is what Delaney came out of her room wearing last Crocs, shirt, and puffer coat. In the words of grandma "at least she's sticking with the same color palette"............

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let's Face It

Delaney's fashion sense came from her dad! Just like with David, I never know what she's going to come down the hall wearing......someone's ready for Valentine's Day!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lockdown- Day 3!

I could post a picture of what it actually looks like outside or you can just scroll down.  I would much rather envision this.........

We have watched every Lifetime and Hallmark channel movie ever made, and "The Big Girl Me" a/k/a Despicable Me), played lots of Chutes and Ladders (where I got my butt kicked) and "almost" made cookies but apparently that takes butter (and who needs post holiday cookie calories anyway)!  I know, it probably seems unheard of for people to run out of butter but not in our house!  Not an essential food with a 3 year old in the house like chicken fingers and french fries!

Our driveway has been cleared because well as I've said before "a good man has good friends".......and tomorrow we hope to get out of the house! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mother Nature

Apparently doesn't care the Newsom girls need pedicures........

Delaney and I are always reminded how much we are loved during bad weather!! "Our People" are checking up on us left and right!!! We are safe and sound....well, until we lose power!!!!!