Wednesday, September 26, 2018

NATIONAL DAUGHTERS DAY (is that a real thing)???

It's no secret this girl right here is my life....(in fact, we even have a little saying) 

ME: My love
DELANEY: My life...

and this one....

ME: Whole Heart
DELANEY: Whole life....

Get the picture??
It's so hard to wrap my mind around not having a girl.
Nine years ago I was pretty sure I was pregnant with a boy. For 20 weeks, I thought boy. But on November 10, 2009 that ultrasound tech said 


Now, I'm sure if there's a National Daughters Day, there's a National Sons Day but today (like every other day), I am just eternally grateful that this girl right here calls me "mom"...I mean we have the best life! I just never know what the day will hold living with this little girl. The first thing she wanted to know this morning (after confirming if it was a school day) was if her daddy wore a neck tie or a bow tie at our wedding! She's nothing if not random! (P.S. it was a neck tie).

(I'm also eternally grateful that we are having fall like temperatures today because this picture was taken at an outdoor wedding in the dead heat of summer :-)

Thursday, September 20, 2018

2nd Grade School Picture

No picture retakes for us this year! 

How did this little girl become a 2nd grader?

On top of that, this week she learned how to ride her bike without training wheels and bought a "hot lunch" (walking tacos) at school. 

I don't know which one of those I was more excited about :-)

Monday, September 17, 2018


After a long 9 months of waiting it was time!!
We didn't tell Delaney about going to see Taylor Swift until a couple of weeks before the concert. #becauseiamasmartmom #shewouldhavedrivenmecrazy 

Delaney and Aubree ready to "Shake It Off" 

She loved it so much and was dancing like no one was watching.

It was quite the production....

And these girls loved it!

I think her bracelet is still lighting up... 

It was a blast going with these girls. Delaney was so well behaved #exceptforwalkingbacktoourhotelinhercowgirlboots and Taylor Swift did not disappoint!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

When Words Fail You Because You Feel So Much More Than What You Can Say

Maybe she'll grow up to be a ballerina......

Or maybe a football player :-)

Or a comedian (because she's the funniest person I know)

I don't know what she'll be but mercy me do I love this girl!!