Wednesday, September 26, 2012

From the highchair to the tub

Some nights Delaney goes straight to the bathtub after dinner. This was one of them (thanks to ketchup)....

Monday, September 24, 2012

Don't Give Up On Us.............

I know you're just about ready to give up on us.  Here is Delaney after she "gave up" on the Colts on Sunday!  Don't ask where her socks are--she started the day with them on.  We are still undergoing a bathroom renovation so we try to leave the house as much as possible so I guess I need to do a better job of taking pictures of what we do when we leave (you know, eat and shop!). 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dance Lesson, Take Two

Delaney had her 2nd dance lesson tonight and we discovered two things------Dance is apparently all about the "guckers" (suckers) and, we have the wrong kind of ballet shoes!!! So I guess we're going shopping!! She came running out of the dance room (where I am NOT allowed) and said "look mommy gucker"........I assume the dirt on her bottom is from her falling---probably due to us having the wrong ballet shoes!  When I ask her what she did she just starts screaming and twirling around so I guess we're going back!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"Check Feet"

Delaney has had a runny nose and cough for awhile so off to the doctor we went.  Here is a video I took while waiting on the doctor.......

Of course her ears, chest and throat looked good and there was "nothing he could do".....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's Official..............I'm a "Dance Mom"!

Things were a little hairy this morning when we woke up, I had no idea how Delaney would go from this.........
to this!
So I "made an appointment" to take Delaney to her Beeson cousins' house so the girls could do her hair! Surely, between the girls over there, they could do something!!!  I am HORRIBLE at doing hair! I am lucky to just stick a bow in her hair to pull her unruly bangs out of her eyes!  So I know a lot of you are waiting to see pictures of Delaney at dance and I would have been happy to have taken some BUT I WASN'T ALLOWED IN THERE WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It all happened so fast so I'll try to lay it all out for you!  I was determined we were NOT going to be late (something I struggle with with a two year old around).  It was sooo crowded at the dance studio they decided to open up another time slot on Thursdays so we will be going a little earlier.  The moms got to go into the actual studio for a total of 2.2 seconds and then it was like letting our little cubs go off into the woods, dropping our 2 year olds off at Harvard, you pick...IT WAS AWFUL (for me of course).  The instructor said that at each class the kids will go to their chairs so she can take attendance (well thank goodness Delaney knows her name!) and then they will sing their ABC's and Itsy Bitsy Spider (well thank goodness Delaney knows both!).  She also said Delaney will need a notebook so they can write down the stuff she needs to work on! WORK ON??? What the heck, they are TWO!! So the instructor said they were going to divide up the class with her assistants and that the kids needed to go with them over to the chairs.  At this point, most moms let go of their child's hand...but NOT THIS MOM! Delaney had long since done that and WAS TWIRLING AROUND LIKE SHE WAS ABOUT TO TEACH THE CLASS!!! So when it was time to go off WITH A TOTAL STRANGER she was all over that!!!  I watched her little feet in her her ballet shoes walk across the room and she never looked back!  A half hour later, my girl came running out of class holding her papers and a sucker! BACK IT UP TEACHER I DO NOT LET MY GIRL EAT SUCKERS--they scare me TO DEATH!  I know she must have been pretty active because her clip that holds her bangs back was missing!!!!!  I could not get out of there fast enough it was just all too much for this mom to handle!!  I still think they should have a two way mirror or monitors for the crazy moms like me parents to watch!  Then the receptionist started talking about THEIR RECITAL!  I could not listen to anymore and we left!  (I did let her eat the sucker--from the safety of her high chair of course!)  

And here's Delaney at the end of our night (with her new African American baby doll!) I know, just what we needed, another baby! Delaney is tucked in bed right now with FOUR babies, TWO blankets and TWO pillows (she's decided she likes to sleep with one of mine--which likely contributed to that mess of a hair she woke up with)................

So I think it's safe to say, we're going back to dance next week---stay tuned!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Delaney receives more mail than any two year old I have ever known!  She got her registration letter in the mail last week for Dance! Yes, you read that right, my newborn toddler is getting ready to start dance this week!  Admittedly, I signed her up for it, but I never thought I'd actually go through with it!!!

So that sent me into full blown "find the perfect dance outfit" mode.  Which meant lots of buying/returning leotards in true Ashley form.  But, I think I (we) settled on the perfect outfit.  (Please disregard the fact my daughter is sticking her finger in a socket!  It has a cover on it)........

My prediction.................

Now, onto the title of this post.  All week I've been asking Delaney "where are we going this week".  Her reply.........."Florida".  Man this girl has high hopes! I must admit I keep asking her because she says Florida so cute--it kind of comes out "torlet".  She is getting ready to go to Florida but not until next month.  I guess she's just going to have to "settle" on dance until then!

I'll be sure to report back after dance.  I'll also be sure to stock up on lots of Kleenex!!! I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive this....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

"Under Construction"

I figured I better update you on why you haven't seen us on the blog lately!  MANY of you have interrogated asked me what is going on!  Despite the 900 plus pictures I have accumulated in my iphone (since March), I just haven't had tons to blog about.  We are going through a bathroom renovation and when our contractor is here, I try to leave the house because my lord you can only hear Delaney say "Chris make mommy's bathroom pretty" so many times a day and 500 is about 500 too many!  So, we've been trying to leave the house (insert shop/lunch) as much as we can.  So, just bare with us another week during "construction" and we'll be back up to tell you what we've been up to this summer (oh, and show you my new bathroom)!