Tuesday, December 25, 2012

In The Words of Delaney Merry "Chrimas"



Stay tuned..................
(And no, I do not intentionally wear grey cardigans every year!)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Jingle Bells"--Delaney's Version Anyway.....

We were at dinner last week and Delaney decided to break out into her version of Jingle Bells.  Delaney has one volume--LOUD!  So she immediately caught the attention of the family sitting next to us WHO STARTED SINGING WITH HER!!!  The lady said "oh she melts my heart, why don't you have ten of her"..............I won't tell you what I said!  Although, Delaney is just the kind of kid who makes you want ten!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Delaney kicked Santa's butt!!!

We almost didn't go....in fact, Delaney's grandpa thought we were nuts, wasting our time, she's going to cry, etc......but in true Delaney fashion, she never ceases to amaze me...see for yourself!

The chest to the right is full of suckers, I am no "sucker", I am fully aware that is why Delaney sat on Santa's lap!  Oh, and Delaney is convinced grandpa will be bringing her presents on Christmas NOT Santa.  Better bring your "A" game grandpa!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Washable Markers

Thank you to whoever invented them!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Dance Recital

Delaney had her first dance recital a couple of weekends ago.  I have no clue what she does in dance (we aren't allowed to watch) so it was exciting to go to see where my money is going how much she likes it (or not)......
 Her group of thirty 2 and 3 year olds did Jingle Bells....Delaney is the little girl in between the little boy (of course) and the girl in the blue shirt on the right......she held his hand long after she was suppose to (of course)!
 AND THEN DID THIS!! She is squatting down like a frog but like her grandpa said "who cares what she's doing, she's not crying"!

 My cup runneth over...........
 She came out and said "that was great"..........
 Oh, and if you're wondering, my little girl eventually stood up and STOLE THE SHOW!!!

But I have to be honest, it was a tough go at first. I had to leave her in a classroom (with practically complete strangers and you know how I feel about that) and go take a seat.  FOR A HALF HOUR! When I walked out she ran after me and cried AND THEN I CRIED AND MY GOODNESS IT WAS THE WORST THING EVER!!  Now, flash forward to September..................when she starts preschool!!! Maybe I just won't send her................ya, that's what I'll do!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An Elf named "Elf"

"Elf" has been showing up in some interesting places this month...here are a few!

Delaney wasn't happy about the last one (or when he had a sucker a/k/a "gucker").  Delaney wakes up each morning and runs to see where "him at"...then says "where him be tomorrow"..........

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas 2012

Delaney loves surprises, or, as she calls them "prizes". A couple of weeks ago, we had a really warm day so we headed downtown for a carriage ride.  I kept telling her we were going downtown for a surprise and during the entire half hour ride, she kept saying "where's downtown"? She needs to get out more.....



 This was how the ride pretty much went.........my daughter is fearless!

 I realized when we got home, I may have dressed her in pajamas and not even known it!

Monday, December 17, 2012

"All Aboard"...........

Last weekend, we headed to the Polar Express with grandma and grandpa!  (It is also noteworthy to mention that on the way there we drove past the casino and it was well lit and caught Delaney's attention and she pointed to it and said she wanted to go there!  Yep, she's my daughter for sure)!!!  We decided they probably wouldn't let her in and kept driving..........

 (waiting patiently--well, as patiently as any 2 year old can)
 Here is Delaney telling the conductor what she wants for Christmas!  Uh, wrong guy Delaney!!!
 They read the Polar Express story and serve cookies and hot chocolate.
 And, then, after patiently waiting FOR TWO HOURS.....
 And after being such a good little girl.............
 "Tanta" arrived....and this is as close as she got to him!!
 But I had no problem telling Santa what I wanted for Christmas (a cleaning lady) and Santa you BETTER DELIVER!!  (I got his number just in case he didn't).....
 And after a two hour train ride and an hour past bedtime, this happened 2 seconds after getting in the car!

The Polar Express tickets go on sale in July (I think) that's when I got our's and I know it sells out fast so put it on your calendar now for next year!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

"That's such a fun age"

I have heard people say this to me so many times and literally, just today at the hair salon someone asked me how old Delaney is and then said it.  I just give people the strangest look because EVERY single age has been fun!  I think I literally gave birth to the happiest child on earth.  OF COURSE she has her moments but Delaney is the most entertaining little girl I have ever known.  She is always laughing and joking and trying to entertain people.  She has been saying the funniest things ever so I have a running list going and thought I better go ahead and start blogging them.  This is more for my record keeping but also for your enjoyment......I know I"ve said it before but I hope if you follow our blog you know Delaney personally.  If not, hopefully you get a sense of what a happy little child she is through our blog.

  • Delaney is still obsessed with her baby dolls and mainly plays with two. "Little Baby" and "Big Baby". Big Baby is about 2 inches taller than Little Baby.  Her babies go everywhere with us.  She always wants to take them to dance class.  People always stop and ask her her babies' names and she tells them Little Baby and Big Baby.  She sounds like a little hillbilly when she says "mommy, where my little baby go"???? (She leaves out the word "did").
  • I asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her and she said big toys.  I told her we didn't have room for big toys so she needed to ask for little toys.  So now when anyone asks her what she wants for Christmas she says little toys.  And then of course just as soon as Santa was done shopping she decided she wants a dinosaur!
  • She points to every single toy she sees on the commercials (despite if it's for a boy or girl or age appropriate) and says she wants it.  THANK YOU TOY MANUFACTURERS FOR SHOWING TOY COMMERCIALS DURING THE DAY!!!
  • Despite the fact we haven't celebrated Christmas, Delaney is already talking about her birthday (March 25).  She wants an orange party with an orange cake.  She is obsessed with the color orange.  When I go to the grocery (she rarely goes) I always ask her want she wants and she recently told me to get her orange milk! When I told her last week I was going to the hair salon she asked if I was going to get orange hair!
  • Whenever I want her to come to me or do something, I get "in a minute", "I'm busy", or the old faithful "NO".
  • She is a girly girl who loves Thomas the Train, Caillou and Bob the Builder.  She is obsessed with airplanes and trains.
  • When she sees Christmas lights up at a house she calls it a "Christmas House".
  • When I tell her it's time to do something she says "5 more minutes" or "ok mommy".
  • The only Christmas song she knows is Jingle Bells and those are the only two words of the song she knows!
  • She constantly walks around wearing a backpack telling me she has to go to school.  The other day she opened the front door (didn't know she could do that) and said "bye mommy, I gotta go to school".  
  • Speaking of school, Delaney's application (yes, I said application) came for her to go to "playschool" as she calls it!  I have until March 1st to enroll her.  That is once I have gone for a tour and checked all of their security measures--forget their learning environment!  Delaney asked me if I could go to playschool with her and I told her mommy can't go and she told me I could just stay at "her" house.  She thinks our house (and car) are her's!
  • I can't believe I just typed the paragraph above! How can my newborn be old enough for playschool?  
  • I think I will forever call it playschool now.
  • There is a large nursing home near us that we often drive by and every single time Delaney asks me if that's her school.
  • And just if you're wondering, Delaney WILL BE going in the afternoon, you know by now we're not morning people (although Delaney's new wake up time is 8:30 a.m. and I am hoping it's "just a phase)!
  • Delaney went "through a phase" of only wearing nightgowns.  She would not come out of them which meant we could not leave the house. She only has 2! The washer was on overdrive!  The first time she wore one I was so worried she would take off her diaper in her sleep.  She didn't.
  • But now, she does.  She has turned into a nudist! She typically wears the one piece footed pajamas (my favorite are the stretchies from The Children's Place) and about 90% of the time, I go get her in the morning and she is COMPLETELY NAKED! Diaper and all.  I'd show you but we all know it's not appropriate to put naked pictures of your kid on the world wide web....so here's what I can show you (and yes, that's Big Baby and Little Baby)....
  • And if you're wondering, Delaney, her diaper, and her sheets are completely DRY!  I know, I know, but I"m not ready!!!!!!  If she is potty trained, THEN WHAT WILL SHE NEED HER MOMMY FOR?????????????????????????????
  • If I am talking on the phone while she is watching tv, she tells me to "hush", it's cute though--well, sort of..........
  • I always tell Delaney "have good night night" when I put her down and she has started replying "no, I have sweet dreams"
  • If you ask Delaney if she liked something she will say "uh huh, it was great" including her sleep!
  • Speaking of sleep, she has been getting up earlier but taking later naps. I have to have her down by 2:00 or it's a done deal.  Sometimes she sleeps until 5:30...we may have to quit dance because it's at 5:00 and I AIN'T WAKING A SLEEPING BABY!
  • When we are at a stop light she tells me red means stop and green means go (I should probably thank Caillou for this).
  • She cried recently watching Toy Story 3 (which she has seen 100 times)...I took her picture, it was too cute not to...
  • When she wants to sit something somewhere she says "I sit it right here, that be ok" (it's usually not but who could resist that???)
  • Out of nowhere, Delaney has now started calling her grandparents "grandma" and "grandpa"..no more, mammaw and pappaw!
  • Delaney has been having a lot of surprises this holiday season and when I tell her she has one she says "what kind of prize"?
  • When she REALLY wants something she says "please, please, please" really fast and it sounds like "pretty pretty please"...but it's not, well, maybe it is....................
  • Delaney does not like to see anyone cry and anytime she sees it (mainly on tv) she says "him/her needs their mommy".
  • If she falls or hits her head she gets right up and tells me "I'm ok".
  • When she reads her books, every single one starts out "Once Upon A Time there was a little girl named Delaney".........
  • She says everything is Silly!  I told her she was funny and she said "I know, I"m silly too".
  • She is still obsessed with Florid and every time she sees a plane she asks if it's headed to Fl...pretty sure we are going back SOON!!!
  • When you sneeze she tells you "excuse you"
  • And my favorite is when I tell Delaney I love her more than anything she replies "no, I love lou more thing any"...................

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Has it REALLY been a month since I have blogged?  I am not sure if we even still have any blog followers out there but I thought I better get back to blogging just in case!  What can I say, life has been busy for The Newsom Girls (and, one of us has had her head buried in her Kindle)!  I love how some of you have emailed, text and even called to see what is going on!!!  We didn't know we had such a following or led such exciting lives!! I updated the blog for Halloween and Thanksgiving so you'll have to scroll back to those dates for those posts.

Not long after Delaney and I got home from Florida (which she is STILL talking about--she came out of her room the other day wearing her Santa hat and told me she wanted to go to the beach. Some of you will soon see why she associates the hat with the beach :-) we packed up and went to visit Delaney's cousin, Logan, in Bowling Green, KY.  I wasn't sure how she was going to do but she did great.  After a quick purchase of a portable DVD player, we were off!

Delaney is 13 months older than Logan but size wise they look about 13 seconds apart!  She is obsessed with him.  I"m pretty sure someday these two will NOT appreciate their moms letting them wrestle around in their diapers (and as if that wasn't enough, we also made them take a bath together)!!!  We had a great visit with family.....

 We went to a bounce house so they could burn off some energy.....

We left on Halloween and here we are making our stop to eat in the car (which Delaney is NOT allowed to normally do) at McDonald's.  I have no clue why her french fry looks like a cigarette!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I didn't get a lot of pictures of Delaney (not for a lack of trying, she's 2, she doesn't WANT her picture taken!!)

 I know what you're thinking, this doesn't belong in this post but YES IT DOES!  Delaney was home bound for a few days because she refused to wear anything but her nightgowns.  Thank goodness she's now able to leave the house.  She wanted to wear her nightgown to our Thanksgiving dinner---so she did PICK YOUR BATTLES PEOPLE!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"I need that mommy, mommy buy that for me"

I hear this 100 times a day (thanks to all of the toy manufacturer commercials).....Delaney wants every single toy she sees on tv.  But the other day, she pointed to the tv and told me she needed that and it was a Tempur Pedic mattress!  If Santa brings anyone a new mattress it is NOT going to be the 2 year old in the house, it will be for the thirty-something year old!

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Potty Dance"

Guess who went potty on the toilet?????  Delaney walked up to me and said "mommy, I need to go to the bathroom".  Now, I've been told this before and as soon as I sit her on the toilet, nothing happens!! But not this time!  I heard a certain "noise" and ran into the bathroom and she was right! She did have to go to the bathroom.  So, a certain crazy very excited mommy did a "potty dance" right there in the hallway!!!  And then about 10 minutes later she went again IN HER DIAPER!!
I was so bummed, I thought this kid was potty trained.....................

So now when I have her tell people what she did in the potty she says "potty dance"...........
(Don't pay attention to the fact Delaney isn't wearing any socks--we just aren't ready---despite the fact we had snow today).  One of us still has an intact perfectly good "Florida pedicure" so we decided we are going back!!!  Why waste a good pedicure???????

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sit Tight..............

Sorry we've been absent from the blog. We have been so busy (we went out of town AGAIN) and there's so much to blog about, but for now, you'll have to just enjoy these pictures.....I cannot tell you how much I enjoy being this girl's mom!

You can surely see why, right??
(all pictures courtesy of "aunt karey")

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012 (or not)

Our October brought a lot of mild weather so we took advantage one day and went to AppleWorks.    That day reminded me why Delaney's aunt JuJu always says Delaney is a "two man job" ENOUGH SAID!
 Here she is playing....I wasn't! Again, ENOUGH SAID!

Delaney got to wear Halloween costume #1 to dance class. 

Not long after we got back from Florida, we packed up and headed to visit Delaney's cousin, Logan, in Bowling Green KY.  I couldn't very well let her go to KY as an IU cheerleader so we decided Colts was a much safer costume!  We had a fun Halloween celebration at their local library.
 Delaney is obsessed with kissing her cousin--we hope someday this stops!
 Delaney was even less interested in carving her pumpkin than I was so this is what she got.  I call it the "single mom pumpkin" YOU GET WHAT YOU GET!!! And yes, she is in her pajamas looking like a hot little mess!
When we got home from KY, one of us was just way too tired to go trick or treating and it was FREEZING outside so we sort of "skipped" Halloween this year.  Don't worry, our next door neighbor had a bag full of candy for Delaney she brought over to her.  I made her promise never to tell Delaney we skipped Halloween!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Florida 2012

We spent last week in Naples, FL with aunt Karey to celebrate her --th birthday!  Delaney has been taught from a very early age we NEVER discuss a woman's age but it was a major one!  We packed up the car and headed to the airport.  I am not a "get to the airport 2 hours early" kind of person.  But after almost missing our flight (for the second year in a row I might add) I may become one.  As we were approaching our gate on Saturday afternoon, the intercom said "the gate for flight 605 to Naples, Florida will be closing in ONE minute". I never want to hear that again.

After boarding, and Delaney saying hi to every single passenger we were safely in our seats!  I cannot begin to tell you how well this little girl did on the flight.  It was her 3rd time flying and she was a pro (Paris here we come!) After the plane landed there were a couple of passengers who even commented what an "angel" she was!  Melt My Heart!  I have pretty much mastered scheduling our flights around nap time and it has pretty much NEVER WORKED!
 And this time was no exception.  You know, because after you land, they sleep!!!

 We booked a compact car but quickly realized that was NOT going to work with all of our stuff so what is one to do but grab a cute kid and "ask" for an upgrade!!
 And then our compact turned into this Ford Expedition (which is more like a crossover now)...
 Delaney was pretty excited to have her own sunroof (yes, I know I have posted this picture but it cracks me up)  Of course, somewhere along the way, her bow came out--what else is new!
About 20 minutes later, we arrived at our Condo.  I will never forget pulling up to the guard and instead of giving our name, asking which way to turn, aunt Karey said "WHERE IS THE NEAREST TARGET"! And for the record, we never saw one!
 Delaney and I made our way to the master bedroom (because aunt Karey is nice like that)
 A quick wardrobe change (and nap in the car)
And we were off to Pinchers for some seafood! (Look at Delaney's face)!
 Where Delaney had her first hush puppy!
 And Karey and I shared this (the BEST hush puppies EVER)
 Delaney insisted on eating the lemon
 Just before she was almost kidnapped by this couple!  This lady walked over and grabbed my baby right out of her high chair (notice the glasses of wine on their table--they were not their first).  She went on and on about Delaney and then wanted her husband to see her.  She wanted Delaney to go home with her and I am here to tell you my daughter would have!  She knows not a stranger!
And after our first night this happened!! Aunt Karey got pulled over FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE!!!  Apparently, our headlights weren't on.  The dial wasn't set to "automatic".  After we pulled away (no ticket) Karey and I were laughing so hard over it, Delaney told us to "calm down"...no clue where she learned that!
 I wasn't sure how Delaney would do sleeping with me and not enclosed in her crib......
 After she went to sleep the first night,she came out to the living room crying that she had fallen out of bed.  Now, no one saw this happen so we're not sure if it did but aunt Karey put those chairs and pillows up against Delaney's side and it never happened (or not happened) again!
I really don't need to caption our "days" since they all looked like this.... 

 Don't be fooled, this lasted long enough for a picture!
 Of course Delaney never gets left out...........
Day 2 at the beach, another day, another bathing suit.  But I can't forget to blog about the fact that when she walked out onto the beach she yelled "I'm back"....(the girl thinks she's royalty)!! If I had a dollar for every person who stopped us to comment about Delaney's swim hat, I would be a rich woman.  One lady on the beach literally stopped us to take her picture! I was NOT comfortable with that but it happened so fast!  I have no idea why Delaney doesn't look more excited in this picture!
 Have you noticed we go NO WHERE without her baby????
 I should have gotten up from my beach chair to get a closer picture of this turtle but that would have meant getting up from my beach chair!
 The girl did not mind the sand whatsoever!

 I have no idea why, but Delaney was THE ONLY child on the Gulf who was wearing a life jacket! So weird to me!
 The hat rarely came off but here she is in her ridiculous sunglasses......
Karey's grandparents were in Naples while we were there so we met them for dinner where Delaney was on her best behavior (THANK GOD)!!  She would have left the restaurant with them if I would have let her.
 Aunt Karey brought her portable DVD player for the plane.  Delaney would sit in her room and watch it while we got ready.  We are now the proud owners of one..............
 We had this vacation thing down to a science!  We got up each morning and had this for breakfast and took our lunch to the beach and went out for dinner.  Karey's birthday was on Tuesday and I told her I would make breakfast.  She replied "No, I'll do it, you'll mess it up".  And, she was right, look at that burnt toast!  I don't know why I bother trying!
 After a couple of days, I decided it was less important for Delaney to wear her cute bathing suits and more important not to get third degree burns from the FL sun!  So, out the with cute suits and in with the swim shirt!  No bottoms to match!
 As much as I hate posting this picture of myself, I had to post this because when I look at it, Delaney looks like such a little baby in it and that makes me one happy momma!!
 EVERYONE on the beach has an umbrella (we did too).
 Then Delaney decided to steal aunt Karey's Fidora.  I love this picture where Delaney is posing while Karey takes their picture!
 Pink crocs that will have only been worn during the week of FL!
 And don't think just because we were on vacation, Delaney wasn't still "taking calls"............
Like I said, we had this vacation thing down pat! Going to the beach every day is hard work people!
 I could not forget to blog about this.  This is a pocket door that leads into the master bedroom.  This pocket door is locked!  Guess who????  Also, guess who ran and grabbed her phone to take a picture before trying to unlock it?????
 One butter knife and viola!!
 Delaney is somewhere asleep in this bed!
 We went for a surprise dinner for Karey's birthday!
 We ate at the Turtle Club right on the beach and watched the sunset!

 Disregard the wind blown hair..........(you'll also notice the hat didn't stay on long).  Thank goodness for the back up matching bow I remembered to take!
 Delicious calamari............
Which Delaney loved but she stuck with her old faithful (as in her $10 kids meal)!
 What's a trip to FL without Key Lime Pie!
 Delaney "needed" Flamingo pajamas to take!
 I know, could you die over this kid!!! Delaney's aunt Julie (a/k/a aunt "Ju Ju") bought this dress for her in Florida for her birthday so we decided we had to take it.  Delaney is carrying her baby, her book, and her sunglasses and is walking to the beach!!! This girl really does "lead the life".....
 My favorite feet in the whole world....
 Delaney had toys all over the beach...........
 She had sand all over her and then stuck her thumb in her mouth to suck it!!
 It was impossible to keep her away from this.
I know what you're thinking----WHY the red bathing suit straps???
 A day in the life of Delaney can be exhausting...........
 How cute is this?????? (Surely aunt Karey won't be upset I posted a picture of her in a bathing suit! I mean look at her, doesn't she look great for --)???????
Our last day there we went to take a boat ride (that got cancelled the night before due to rain).  When we left, we had no idea it was raining again..........
 But I guess that's what happens in FL
 So we hit the mall instead!!!
 Yes, my daughter is wearing a swim shirt at the mall since we THOUGHT we would be on a boat!
 And then it was time to leave, as in for good! This was taken as we left to go to the airport.  Which we got lost on our way to and AGAIN, almost missed our flight!  I looked at Karey on the way and said "would it really be so bad to get stuck here another day".....
 And then Delaney was back on the plane (she wanted an orange one but I told her we flew Air Tran so she was stuck with blue).  I had to put Delaney in the same clothes she wore on the way there on the way back because I completely spaced packing her warm clothes for the trip home! As our plane was landing, Delaney was sitting on aunt Karey's lap (and NOT with her tray up and seat in the upright position) and they saw another plane taking off and Delaney said "go on that plane"! It's just never enough for her..............

If by some chance you are "still with us" on the world's longest blog post, we want to say thank you and a big thanks to aunt Karey for inviting us to "Torla".........