Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pretty Sure......

I would have been in big trouble for letting this happen.....

Much more daddy approved....

And then there's the "age appropriate" option....

Friday, September 27, 2013

"No, I don't think so"....

I asked Delaney if she was going to be a good girl at school and put on her listening ears. Her reply, "no, I don't think so".  I appreciate her honesty! We went to the mall for new boots and came home with "character shoes".  As you know, I am not a character mom.  I'm just hoping it's a phase that quickly passes!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

White After Labor Day

Are we SURE it's ok???

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Little Comedian

Delaney asked me this morning why we weren't leaving for school and I told her because she didn't have her pants on. She said, "oh, I thought this was a dress"!! Then she said,"let's get my pants on and get this show on the road"!!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Is not just to learn!! I mean where else is Delaney suppose to wear all of her cute dresses!! I am not sure why this has become our standard backdrop other than I always take her picture just before we walk out the door.....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Come to my House"....

Guess who invited her teacher over?? Right after she told her she loved her!
Delaney tells everyone "love you, bye, come to my house"!! As if we don't have enough traffic!! In the mornings she stands at the window and says "who's coming over today"? What can we say, we're social butterflies.....

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Grandparents Day!!!!

I had the kind of grandparents every kid deserves to have.  I'm talking the kind who literally had kids just to have grandkids!! And you know who else hit the lottery in the grandparent department??? This sweet girl!!! Thank you grandparents for all you do for us!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

B is for boo boo

Delaney is learning the letter B at school this week.  Today they were asked to bring their 
I couldn't believe how many bikes there were! They're only THREE!!! How can they be ready for bikes?? Luckily, Delaney wasn't the only one with a tricycle which I guess needs to be replaced now!
Here she is before school.......

And after.......
They were asked to wear blue and bring a teddy bear. They had their snacks on a blanket (clearly blue snacks) and bowled and played with bubbles. However, I think the boo boo is taking the whole letter B to the extreme!! And of course picture day is coming up! Oh and what happened??? Who knows she didn't even know about it!! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Never A Dull Moment

On the way home from school today Delaney said "mommy, what do you do while I'm at school"? Today was an unusual day, we have had contractors doing work on the house so it wasn't my normal routine of errands and showering. Instead, I parked myself on the sofa and watched The Today Show. So my reply was....."well Delaney, today mommy watched The Today Show where they had fashion experts on who assured me it IS ok to wear white after Labor Day. I worried about putting her in her white sandals this morning but if the NY fashion experts are ok with it I guess I can be!!! 
If you're wondering how preschool is going, I'll do an update soon. It has been one of the best decisions I've ever made!