Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Here Comes The Bride................

Delaney has been obsessed lately with watching movies with weddings in them. Before I turn on a movie (think Lifetime or Hallmark), she will say "does this have a wedding in it, I only want to watch movies with a wedding" and I will tell her I have no idea until we watch it.

I decided to get some movies from the library that I KNEW had weddings. I don't know what could top Father of the Bride and Steel Magnolias.......

My little type A arranged her books and movies like this..........

After she went to bed, I was watching GG2D and there was a wedding and Delaney yelled from bed "is that a wedding"......"go to bed Delaney"......"mommy, you know I can hear that don't you"....

Watching all of these wedding movies makes me crave wedding cake (a/k/a the best part of a wedding)!!!

See Obsessed!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"Shake It Off".......

Delaney came out of her uniform and straight into this today! Then "Taylor" started performing and told me at school they got to "Shake It Off".......(and then she went on about how they were jumping to the song and so and so didn't have shorts on under her skirt).......#fiveyearoldproblems

Sounds like someone must have watched The Grammys last night (and by someone, I mean her teacher--I have never been an award show watcher). So much easier to just log on the next day to see who won. I was super sad the Feeks didn't win:-(

Delaney came out dressed up and asked if she could use my lip gloss. I should have emphasized it is LIP gloss and not EYE gloss. She went straight to the bath tub!
Dear time,

I'm begging you.....please slow down.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

There are lots of people you can live with

But only one
You can't live without.......
(And yes, those would be her legwarmers on her arms! Her ingenuity blows me away).

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Candy, Candy, and "not candy"

Delaney got her annual package in the mail from aunt Trina that lasted about as long as it took me to take this picture.
This is the pile of candy Delaney didn't hide from me that she got at her Valentines party at school.........#leftovers
This is what I got Delaney for Valentines Day. The red loofa has attached a bar of soap (best invention ever) Snow White reminds me that last week Delaney said "mommy, when we go to Disney World this summer we can't forget to ride The Seven Dearf Mine Train since we didn't get to last summer".  #delaneylivesinadreamworld THE END.
I had to give her her gift early because you guessed it, the social butterfly has plans this weekend and will be gone!  Her weekend calendar is full by Wednesday. So remember to call ahead!

And here she is with her newest cousin, Elise. I told her parents they really should start feeding her! 
And to top it off, Delaney got asked by our cousin to be her flower girl. There is a ring pop inside the box!!! She was excited about that too....

Delaney took selfies on my phone before she left so that I would have them in case I missed her!!! I told her the Nordstrom Winter Clearance Sale would keep me company......

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


After A LOT of consideration, this little turkey decided she is giving up You Tube for can imagine "her ideas". This is going to be interesting friends!

And if you "can't imagine".....Delaney thought she could give up "tickling me" and my personal favorite "waiting too long to go potty".....i.e. doing the potty dance! I told her she needs to work on that too but it is not really a sacrifice!! So that's when we came up with YouTube.

Monday, February 8, 2016

"Even The Kittys Won".................

When I woke up Delaney this morning, I couldn't wait to tell her who won the Superbowl.  When I told her that Peyton Manning won, she said "you really shouldn't say Peyton Manning, you should say the Broncos because they are all winners, even the kittys won".  "Um, no Delaney, the "kittys" (a/k/a Panthers), most certainly did not win"!!!
I couldn't believe I had that conversation with the most competitive 5 year old I know!
Here's our crazy group photo! Such a fun (and loud) these people!!
I think the food this year may have set the bar (ribs, wings, bbq beef/chicken, dips, appetizers)......I better get off here and go hop on the treadmill (just as soon as I get a hold of Roger Goodell or the NFL or whoever can change the Superbowl to a NON SCHOOL NIGHT)!