Wednesday, August 31, 2016


No One Ever Said Life Is Fair...............
and if you need an example, go see this movie!

This story is beyond AMAZING! 
It is inspiring and heart breaking all wrapped into a make you laugh and make you cry kind of movie!
Oh, and it's a TRUE STORY...........

It is only playing in about 200 theaters nationwide (for some strange reason).
If you live in Indy, the closest theater is in Bloomington. And when you go, be sure to eat at FarmBloomington!!! They'll even put your leftovers in the refrigerator for you while you go to the movie (just be sure to remember to go back and get them :-)

Delaney's grandpa interviewed Brandon Burlsworth just days before his accident and he really did wear the "Drew Carey" glasses.

The End.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

"I look at this girl, with all of her confidence, and her daddy's great big eyes, and think of everything she has given me without even knowing it".......................(After You)

I wish I had thought of that sentence because I would swear it was written for me.

We went to a wedding this weekend and Delaney came home with 23 strips of pictures from the photo booth! I feel like I should help pay for it!!!

Friday, August 26, 2016

"Unofficial" 2016 School Picture

I had Delaney take this selfie on the way to school in case it becomes our "official" picture. I made sure to tell her to put her hair like this and she told me the photographer does their hair. Which explains last year's picture. I politely told her the photographer isn't paying for her picture and retakes means another fight about what to wear, how to do her hair, etc. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Happy 40th Birthday Daddy!!!

Delaney recently found out that daddy was younger than mommy and she thinks that's so funny.  "I feel like he should be older than you mommy". Her sweet daddy will be Forever Young (unlike her "forty-something" mommy)..................

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tailgating Season

I am pleased to say Delaney made it longer than 7 minutes this year at the game. We both started our day with straight hair but the weather gave us beachy waves! We had a great time with some of our favorite people and Delaney "may" have ended up with cotton candy----(that I did not buy) despite the fact I smuggled in Goldfish and granola bars.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

"Big Brother"

And I'm not talking about the show (which I am just not loving this season except when Delaney said "I've never seen Julie Chen wear a side pony" and "this show keeps getting smaller and smaller") #thatsthepointDelaney

Delaney and I went to her cousin Braxon's 1st birthday party which was also a gender reveal party (now do you believe me we like to have babies in this family) for his new sibling arriving in February!! We dressed in what we thought it would be, and as you can see, we were a house divided!!!
And I was wrong.....
Today's "car conversation" on the way to school.....

"Mommy, when I was checking my snaps, I noticed you downloaded a new App on your phone" 

"Delaney, you're exhausting sometimes". "Mommy, when you marry a guy like my daddy, you get a kid like me". And I am pretty sure truer words have never been spoken!! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Delaney has to make her bed before school. Little known fact, as soon as I get up, I have to make mine. I cannot start my day without making my bed. And somedays, that's about all I get done!

This is Delaney's bed that I made.....
And this is Delaney's bed that I didn't make...(I love she gave her stuffed animals each a pillow).  
I'm working on a new chore system. And by working on I mean I found one on Pinterest and now I need to pick up clothespins and wasabi tape and as I like to say "all roads lead to Target". I'll let you know if this system works well for Delaney.

List of chores

And I can't not share this story....when I told grandma about this idea she said "what chores does she have"? You know, in that "grandma" tone!!!

Monday, August 15, 2016

My Little Type A

Delaney didn't get much from her momma but she did inherit my extreme type A "ness". We must get her clothes and backpack ready the night before school. As for clothes, I just ask if she wants a red or white polo. And whoever invented uniforms Bless Your Heart!!!

Delaney has an out of uniform day tomorrow (thank goodness these are seldom) and apparently didn't like what I laid out for her to wear. She came and got my phone and took a picture and brought it back to show me. The romper and necklace aren't allowed but it is so fun to see her put together her clothes (and accessories).

Time....please slow down!
When we were in the car the other day with Dave's friend I mentioned we need to get a new driveway and I am trying to decide if I want to add an addition off to the side for when Delaney drives (see, type A--ALWAYS planning ahead). I made it clear Delaney won't be getting garage space and she said "mommy, in school we are learning to put others first".  And just what do you say to that?!?!?

(Delaney recently asked me if daddy ever lived in our house. I laughed and asked her if she thought I would ever buy a house with a pool! Then I wanted to cry because she had to ask....some of my favorite memories are in our house! But more on that later.....)

Dave's friend informed me I never listen to him when it comes to ideas for my house.  If I did, our pool house would be known as the "pub shed". I love that he has a name for it. I was waiting for him to tell me to put others first :-)

The Olympics have inspired me to sign Delaney up again for gymnastics so that starts this week. 

School is going great, we have an awesome surprise trip planned for Fall Break (think SYTTD) and tailgating starts this Saturday, oh, and I am back to doing the jammy drop off so there's that...........

Friday, August 12, 2016

Wrapping up our week

When I dropped off Delaney one morning this week, we saw a mom walking in her little girl and Delaney told me she was crying. I said "you march your little self out of this car and go over and comfort her". As I looked back in my rearview mirror, I saw Delaney talking to her. And I wanted to go comfort her mom! I know you're thinking that wouldn't have been possible in my pajamas but I have successfully dropped Delaney off at school in clothes so we are 8 for 8!
Like I said, "we" are off to a great school year!

Some of our best conversations take place in the car.  I feel like we are always in the car! This week's highlights.............

"Mommy, when I'm a teenager will you change the code on the alarm".  "Yes". "But mommy, I will tell you before I sneak out". "No Delaney, you won't, that's the point in sneaking out".

"Mommy, can I ask you something, have you ever had a crush"....

On our way home from school--- "mommy, do you remember this morning you said when I got home from school, I was getting a time out". "No, Delaney, I completely forgot about that but thank you for reminding me".

The teachers encourage you to ask them to tell you three things about school rather than asking how their day was. After I picked her up one day I told her to tell me three things and she replied "I love it". She must have thought I said three words.............

I told Delaney "you really do talk a lot" and she said "I do don't I"..........

"Mommy, we should invite O to my wedding theme birthday party". "Delaney, you don't invite boys to your birthday". "But mom, I need a groom". If you know Delaney, then you know she has already  been talking about her birthday (in March) for quite sometime. And if you know me, you know we may already have her veil.........

"Delaney, you have music today at school, what songs do you sing"? "You'll have to come to my program to find out".

"Mommy, can we go to the White House so I can get my picture in front of it". "Delaney, do you even know who the President is". "Yes, George Lincoln". Then she later told me "Obama". I told her we don't use that word :-)

Delaney isn't into getting her picture taken these days (unless she's on snapchat of course) but I attempted to get this one after school yesterday. Normally, about 2.2 seconds after she walks in the door, she is in her pajamas. But yesterday, David came out in this (what you can't see in this picture is the blue shorts and black sandals that don't go together at all, and most definitely don't go with this grey t-shirt with a pink bunny rabbit on it. I have no words for the hair).

We have a busy weekend ahead and can't wait to see this....

(When I put her to bed I couldn't find the remote and when I yelled and asked her where it was she said "I would come find it for you mommy but you told me if I get out of bed, I can't go see Pete's Dragon"). She asked if I would get her a Pete's Dragon t-shirt to wear to the movie and I told her I hadn't seen any at the stores and she said "Just go to Kohl's, they have lots of character tees".

Delaney also wants to see this.................(that will never happen and not just because it's rated R, I have a very strong aversion to hot dogs)!

***after I posted this, while we were where else, in the car, on our way to school I told Delaney how cool it will be that now she will be graduating at the same time as her cousin Logan and they will have their graduation parties the same year (see, I'm always planning ahead). She said "do you mean after Kindergarten 2.0"?????? I told her I meant after high school. Then she said "oh, ok, so before college" and then she asked me if she will have a car by then. "Yes, if you have a job to pay for it". Then she told me she is going to get a job selling flowers at Kroger.

Happy Friday Friends!!!

Monday, August 8, 2016


I can't believe I get to do it with this girl.........

And to think, this wasn't even her photo shoot!

Friday, August 5, 2016

First Friday

I didn't take any pictures today because well, it's day three, WE GOT THIS!
In the drop off line this morning Delaney was telling me that she and her friend are going to be in class together for all years. Then she told me "well, I haven't talked to her about it yet but I plan on it today. She is going to bring her lunch today so she can sit by me".
And there you have it if you're wondering how Delaney is doing back in school. It's all about the friends! I picked her up today and she told me that she wants to have a playdate with a boy! A boy she has now known for a whole three days....oh this kid!

And here's a little video for your entertainment.....

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day Two of Kindergarten

Getting back into our routine has been pretty seamless so far....I have returned to my spot in the pick up line, last of course (which is usually due to being at Target--what can I say, it was a short lived "separation") and Delaney comes home starving!

Delaney's cousin came to town and got to go to school with us to pick her up on her first day. My favorite part of his visit was when they pulled in the driveway, before he was even out of his car seat, he asked me if we had power!!! Clearly, even our 5 year old cousin who lives in KY even knows how frequently we lose power!! I mean how else can he charge his ipad??????

When we got home, grandma Terry surprised them with DQ gift cards!

They didn't last long.............we love DQ in our PJ's!!
First Day of school balloons.....
I thought a little swimming would wear out these two but I was oh so wrong!!  While they were swimming, I heard Logan telling Delaney that only God saves people. Delaney's reply......"so do police and firemen"! #seriousconversations
I was outnumbered and ready for bed at 7:30!!
Delaney's second day of school went like this....."Delaney, did you have art, computers, or gym today"?  "None mommy, we had music and church and I sat next to K in church and she talked to me the whole time so I thought it would be rude not to talk back even though we're not suppose to talk".

What they don't eat at lunch gets sent home. I opened her lunch box and she had no leftovers. She said "hard to believe I don't have any leftovers considering I talked to K the whole time".

I'm not really sure what she's done the last two days other than TALK!

I asked her what she is most looking forward to going back to school and she said "the end of the day"!!!  I secretly am too.............

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Kindergarten 2.0

Well, school is back in session and I am back to waking up with the roosters!

The night before, I thought it might be a good idea to make sure her new school shoes (bought a while back) still fit. As I was cramming her foot into them :-) I asked if she wanted to read a book before bed. She said "actually, I'd prefer dinner", ok, that seems reasonable.

I laid in bed with her for a minute and she said "do you want to talk about tomorrow, you talk, I'll listen"......

Delaney is doing Kindergarten again this year and couldn't be more excited. Her response went something exactly, like this.........

"Delaney, you got a letter from Ms. E and she wants to know if you want to be in her class this year which means you would be doing another year of Kindergarten".....insert tears BECAUSE SHE WAS SO EXCITED!! She then told me it was the best day ever and this was so special. About this time, I was texting "our people" telling them her response and then she added "mommy, this is big news, this should be on Fox 59"! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. I knew that Delaney would be fine with it and then I reminded myself that Delaney relies on me to make good, smart, life decisions and what is in her best interest may not always be the easiest decision.

And then just about when I think she can't possibly surprise me anymore, she said the other day "I hope my friends don't think I betrayed them and traded them in when I meet new friends". In true Delaney form, she is always thinking of others. Not upset, not mad, just thinking of others. She is always reminding me she has her daddy's heart!

Delaney wanted to write on the chalkboard this year "First Day of K 2016---Yay"
Apparently, she doesn't plan on wearing pants again this year...........
Found her seat, a quick fist bump, and I was gone! #thisaintherfirstrodeo
I told Delaney's teacher there were some crying moms out in the hallway and she said "I know, I just can't look at them I feel so sorry for them".  I could feel the confused look on my face seeing how I was so ready for today I even sent a text that said "I am so excited I don't know what to do with myself". I thought about going to Target but seeing how I was there the last 4 days in a row and then there's the day last week that we literally crashed their system when I inserted my debit card, I decided we needed a little trial separation.  As I was leaving school, the song "You Should Be Here" came on the radio. Then I turned into a crying mom.....

I don't remember the summer days going by as fast as today. I did manage to squeeze in a "back to school" mani/pedi.

I picked up Delaney and made this little video (she later told me she didn't get a lollipop).......

 "You'd be taking too many pictures on your phone. Showing them off to everybody that you know back home. And even some you don't yeah they say now you're in a better place, and I would be too if I could see your face. You should be here, standing with your arm around me here....................."

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Twas the night before the first day back to school....

We had a great last couple of days of summer break! We had our alarm system upgraded yesterday and I am confident Delaney's teenage years won't include sneaking out! Today we went to lunch, Rural King and Monkey Joes......and thanks to Rural King, Delaney has a chicken coop and a very large stand up gun safe on her Christmas list......
She really needs to wake up and get her homework completed. Whoever heard of homework before school even starts!

Stay tuned tomorrow for Delaney's first day back!