Monday, August 15, 2016

My Little Type A

Delaney didn't get much from her momma but she did inherit my extreme type A "ness". We must get her clothes and backpack ready the night before school. As for clothes, I just ask if she wants a red or white polo. And whoever invented uniforms Bless Your Heart!!!

Delaney has an out of uniform day tomorrow (thank goodness these are seldom) and apparently didn't like what I laid out for her to wear. She came and got my phone and took a picture and brought it back to show me. The romper and necklace aren't allowed but it is so fun to see her put together her clothes (and accessories).

Time....please slow down!
When we were in the car the other day with Dave's friend I mentioned we need to get a new driveway and I am trying to decide if I want to add an addition off to the side for when Delaney drives (see, type A--ALWAYS planning ahead). I made it clear Delaney won't be getting garage space and she said "mommy, in school we are learning to put others first".  And just what do you say to that?!?!?

(Delaney recently asked me if daddy ever lived in our house. I laughed and asked her if she thought I would ever buy a house with a pool! Then I wanted to cry because she had to ask....some of my favorite memories are in our house! But more on that later.....)

Dave's friend informed me I never listen to him when it comes to ideas for my house.  If I did, our pool house would be known as the "pub shed". I love that he has a name for it. I was waiting for him to tell me to put others first :-)

The Olympics have inspired me to sign Delaney up again for gymnastics so that starts this week. 

School is going great, we have an awesome surprise trip planned for Fall Break (think SYTTD) and tailgating starts this Saturday, oh, and I am back to doing the jammy drop off so there's that...........

1 comment:

  1. Kindley told me I needed to give her personal space! I told her that doesn't go for parents. LOL
