Thursday, August 18, 2016

"Big Brother"

And I'm not talking about the show (which I am just not loving this season except when Delaney said "I've never seen Julie Chen wear a side pony" and "this show keeps getting smaller and smaller") #thatsthepointDelaney

Delaney and I went to her cousin Braxon's 1st birthday party which was also a gender reveal party (now do you believe me we like to have babies in this family) for his new sibling arriving in February!! We dressed in what we thought it would be, and as you can see, we were a house divided!!!
And I was wrong.....
Today's "car conversation" on the way to school.....

"Mommy, when I was checking my snaps, I noticed you downloaded a new App on your phone" 

"Delaney, you're exhausting sometimes". "Mommy, when you marry a guy like my daddy, you get a kid like me". And I am pretty sure truer words have never been spoken!! 


  1. Just getting caught up on all of your adventures. I am sure glad you are writing all of this down..You can't make it up. She is so adorable.

  2. She is so smart, where does she come up with all these conversations. She takes after her mommy and daddy!!!!

  3. She is so smart, where does she come up with all these conversations. She takes after her mommy and daddy!!!!
