Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I pray.....

That I will always be able to capture a picture just like this (her reading, not the mess!) And just so you know, my daughter is not reading Fifty Shades. I'm the only "Greyling" in the house!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Sorry we've been "missing", it's not my fault, really, it's not.  Blame it on Christian Grey!!!

 "Mommy, help"

(Is it wrong my first instinct was to take a picture and not help her???  And let's not even discuss how big she looks in this picture!!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I Don't Know Why I'm Not Surprised!

You can ask this little girl 100 times a day whose baby she is and a hundred times a day this is what you'll get.......
Wouldn't He get a kick out of that????  I"m not bitter, I'm really not, even though I am the one with the "extended" scar!!!

Thanks for thinking of us today (and every other day).  We're here, right where we're suppose to be (behind locked doors, not answering the door to strangers, and the list goes on and on!) My little sidekick and I are doing just fine.  We really are.......David left behind the best part of him.  He said I gave him the greatest present he'd ever receive but I beg to differ.

"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we respond"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No, You're Eyes Are Not Deceiving You......


Sunday, May 20, 2012

What To Expect When You're Expecting????

Have you seen this movie yet?  It is soooo good. And it got me thinking "What to Expect When You're Expecting".....Well, let me tell you what you can can expect:
1. Frequent Bathroom Visits
2. Swollen ankles
3. Restless leg syndrome
4. Morning, Afternoon and Evening sickness
5. And the list goes on and on.......

 And you can expect lots of these........
 No, not the messes (well, those too).....
 But those moments when they have no idea you're watching them.  A hundred times a day I just sit and watch her.  And a hundred times a day I wait for those nurses to show up at the door to take her back because there's just no way she can be mine........
There's just no way..................

Friday, May 18, 2012


You've got to stop and smell the roses, Delaney does! (And the tulips my dear sweet friend left on the front porch on Mother's Day--that I replanted AND SHOULD HAVE LEFT ALONE!!)

 And here we are, back in mommy's makeup
 learning the difference between lip liner and eye liner!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Delaney LOVES to get in my handbag and get into my "lips" which is what she calls lipstick.

 And yes, she puts them on! Make-up at two...I DON'T THINK SO!!!

Game Night

The other night we went to cousin Adarrah's softball game.
 I just don't even know what to say about this girl.
 But at least she carried her own chair!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Every Mom's Done it....Right??

Does this look like a kid who's upset over her mom locking her in the car????? Obviously, this picture was taken after I was back in the car but this is exactly what she looked like while I was trying to figure out how to get the car unlocked.  Sure, it would have been easy to just call OnStar but NOT WITH MY CELL PHONE LOCKED IN THE CAR!!!  Delaney and I (and the twins) went to story time yesterday and Delaney got a hold of my keys (when she was suppose to be doing "If You're Happy and You Know It").  I didn't "think" she hit any buttons on my clicker.  Once I wrestled got Delaney in her car seat, I hopped out and went to get in the driver's seat.  AND THE DOORS WERE LOCKED!!!  She hit the lock button on the clicker as I was strapping her in.  Luckily, there was a couple with their two year old grandson who also didn't stay after story time for play time (also known as "when the kids play with all the germy toys") and I said "Sir, can you please help me, I have locked my daughter in my car".  I asked if he had a cell phone with internet so that we could look up the number for OnStar. His wife didn't have a smart phone so it was taking forever and then it happened.....she said "she's probably getting hot in the car isn't she, I am just going to call information for the number"!! At this point, the reality of the situation set in and I realized I have locked my daughter in the car in 80 degree weather!!!! Up until that point I was completely calm, I just needed someone's cell phone.  For some reason, I thought to check the back to make sure it wasn't unlocked.  AND IT WAS!!! I remembered Delaney got a hold of the clicker during story time and thank goodness she hit the button that opens the rear window! So, I climbed over the stroller and over Delaney!  AND WE MARCHED OURSELVES RIGHT TO THE TATTOO SHOP SO I COULD GET ONSTAR'S NUMBER TATTOOED ON MY ARM!!!  I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me (well, not with Delaney but locking my keys in my car).  And, just in case you ever have to call them, you can hit a prompt if you have a pet or child locked in the car to expedite them unlocking it for you (it's done by satellite in a matter of seconds) and I may or may not have hit that prompt the time my Chinese food was locked in the car!  My plan B was to call my neighbor to go into our house and bring me my spare car key but then I realized I had no idea what their number was and it was in my phone that was also locked in my car!!
 So after I got over that (rather quickly I might add) I took Delaney straight to McDonald's to make up for it!  Here she is smelling a piece of lettuce.  If she is unsure of something she smells it first.  She did NOT eat the lettuce.
 And here she is drinking mom's new Cherry Berry Chiller...I MEAN I DID JUST LOCK THIS KID IN A HOT CAR!!!!  
 Oh, and if you're wondering, over the weekend we finally made it to DQ for a Confetti Cake Blizzard and it was sooooooooo good! You know, if you like cake and ice cream!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You Make the Mess, You Clean the Mess!

The other day, Delaney's super cool mom who doesn't let her eat in the living room, let her eat in the living room.  I looked down and said "Delaney, look at your mess".  Then she went and got her vacuum and started earning her keep! SHE ROCKS MY WORLD!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Does this fashionista look like she shops at Janie & Jack?  Rain boots and pajamas???  Like with her daddy, I hold my breath when she comes out of her room and walks down the hallway.  I just never know what she is going to be wearing!!!  She has a style all her own (just like her daddy did)!
 Getting back to Janie & Jack, we went with aunt Karey today and scored this little number.  They had TONS of cute swim caps and in my compulsive urge to buy every single one of them I said "we need to just leave".  Which meant, let's go have lunch and figure out which ones we "need".  We decided on this one!  It stayed on Delaney's head in the store for maybe 2.2 seconds but I think when she sees how cute she looks in it she will want to keep it on!  All I know is it was on sale and an extra 20% off THE GIRL IS WEARING IT! 
The milestone was tonight when Delaney brought me her Disney storybook and climbed up on the sofa, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and let me read her the story of Cinderella.  She NEVER lets anyone read to her.  She loves her books but she only likes to turn the pages and point at objects, not be read to so this was a MAJOR milestone!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mommy's Day".......

I CANNOT believe today is my 3rd Mother's Day!  We had a great day! We went to lunch with "the girls".  Here is Delaney who is suppose to be smiling!  Obviously, her cousin Adarrah knows how to follow directions.  Why can't a two year old???  This girl is chock full of personality!
 A little better...........
 Then we headed home to play with balls and bubbles..........
 And Delaney's new grocery cart from aunt Beth.  I went to take this picture and I told my mom that Delaney was "doing her business".  I love that part of being a mom is knowing exactly what Delaney is doing (even if it does involve "business").
 And then it was time for a nap (after a wardrobe change).
 Then back up for more playtime and to wait for Amy and Gracie to come over for a cookout.
 And a pedicure---for Delaney, not me, you know the "MOTHER"!!!
 Delaney will tell every living single soul that Amy did her toes (I'm not ready for fingers)!
 After our cookout, it was time for dessert!  These strawberries were much bigger than they appear in this picture!
 I also got a locket that holds pictures of my two favorite people!
 Although it is my 3rd Mother's Day today, I keep thinking about my first.  Just a few days before, David and I took Delaney for a walk (after checking the pollen count of course) and David was telling me how he had been stressing over what to get me for my first Mother's Day and how I always put so much thought into my gifts and he really wanted to get me something special.  The irony of that conversation was that David was THE BEST gift giver ever.  He was always so extravagant when it came to gifts.  Don't you think??????????? 

P.S. David got me flowers and a card with the sweetest words a new mom could ever hear........

Friday, May 11, 2012


Delaney's not quite ready for The Hunger Games but I sure hope she's always a reader......

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We got our monthly Amazon diaper delivery this morning along with a few other things.  Here is Delaney's new beach bag for Florida.  You should hear her say "Octopus".  I"ll try to video it for you.  It's so cute......
 And here is what I got delivered.  I am excited to try my new products.  The Olay is their new tinted moisturizer and the GoldBond is their new lotion.  Stay tuned!!!
 Here is Delaney in the drive through at the bank today.  She is staring at the Ice Cream truck in the lane next to us.  LUCKILY, they don't come in our neighborhood!!!
 I really wish they would install straps on high chairs...spoken in my sarcastic voice!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I have never gotten a jury summons before so when I saw this sitting in the mailbox I was not happy.  Now, I realize it's my "civic duty" and all but once I saw

I was not a happy citizen!!!
  When I worked (outside the home of course!) I didn't even go to work that early!!! It said to notify my employer "immediately" that I may have jury duty.  So, I let Delaney know but explaining our judicial system to a two year old is not exactly easy!  I will be letting the Judge know that I will be happy to serve and so will my two year old daughter!  Because we all know where I go--she goes!!! Oh my land they are gonna love her!!  We'll keep you posted if "we" actually have to serve.  I am coming up with all sorts of reasons to avoid my "civic duty".
No commentary today for these pictures, I'll let the "cuteness" speak for itself.  

We have a low key week (well, for us) this week which will leave us plenty of time to enjoy one (or two) of Dairy Queen's Blizzard of the month--CONFETTI CAKE MIX!!  Oh my land what are we going to do when the new one by us opens up?????