Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Go Golts"

And yes, I realize that should read "Go Giants" or "Go Patriots" but this morning Delaney said "Go Golts" (out of the blue).  I had to explain to her once again, the "Golts" are not in the Superbowl this year (once again)!  

You may think she left the house this weekend because she's wearing her hat but she didn't, she went in her room, got in her drawer, and came out wearing it!  She wore it to story time on Thursday but of course wouldn't let me get her picture in it!!! 
 Although these are on Delaney's feet, they spent more time on her hands as puppets this weekend!!!

Of course, I have more things I want to remember so I need to blog about them.  Last night when it was bedtime I said "Delaney get your day days it's time for bed".  So she grabbed them (along with her cell phone and blanket which she calls "nenny") and walked into her room.  I picked her up, laid her in her crib and she looked up at me and said.................."BYE"!

She has a frog that dances to "Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake It" and today when it was naptime she grabbed all of her stuff and then walked up to the frog and turned it on. Then turned around and started dancing down the hall!

During her bath, she kept reaching out of the bathtub to grab the toilet paper and was told SEVERAL times not to do it.  After more "no no's" than I care to count, I think she got the hint because she looked down and didn't want to look up at me and when she finally did she of course started laughing and then she started playing peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain!  This little "she's mad I better make her laugh stunt" worked like a charm and I don't suppose I need to tell you where she got that from!!!!! I am such a sucker!

When she gets out of her bath she won't let me undo her towel and says she's cold.  So, we sit in the bathroom with her towel on her and snuggle.  I said "what's my name" and she said "mommy" and then I said "what's your name" and she said "uh oh".........(normally she says something along the lines of "Laney").

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