Thursday, April 1, 2010

What has Delaney been up to her First Week???

Our first walk
Can't wait to have lots more of these.

Delaney slept the entire time.

Her first bath!!!

We love to stare at this sweet face!

I wasn't allowed to take any "naked" pictures.

FINALLY---something that is "too big" for this little girl. Cousins, Shawn, Elaine, and Caleb got Delaney this hat for Christmas.

Delaney likes her swing---she looks so small in it. Finally, something that makes her look "small".

She sleeps in her Moses Basket.

(same picture)

Our drive home from the hospital.

(same picture)

Delaney is one week old....we've had a great week getting to know each other and bonding. Here's what she's been up to:

1. When we left the hospital, Delaney lost a pound. They don't like to see babies lose more than 10% of their birth weight. Delaney lost 11% (which meant she left weighing 8 lbs--so I don't think they were "too" concerned! ha ha).

2. We had our first pediatrician visit this morning (and was this mom excited to get out of the house). I realized we'd need to take her diaper bag so I packed it the night before (it looked like I packed for a week long trip v. a 45 minute doctor appt!!) Well, speaking of what Delaney's "up to"......she has gained a 1/2 lb. So she's back to 8.5 lbs. We go back next week so I'm sure by then our little girl will be back up to her birth weight because. SHE LOVES TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!! (Which means we change A LOT of poopy diapers).

3. Delaney wakes up on average twice a night. We aren't complaining about that!

4. We've had lots of visitors this week.
5. Her umbilical cord fell off today! We are ready for baths!
We can't wait to see what week two will bring!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love all that hair!! And I love how David won't let you take any naked pictures:o) Why is it dads don't want to show off their "girls", but when it come to showing off their boys, they're all for it??!! Haha! What are you going to do when David goes back to work?
