Monday, September 12, 2011

FUNday Monday!!!!

We had big plans for today. We got up and put on our dresses (seeing how Delaney has 2 with the tags still on---size 12 months---that she needed to wear), a quick text to aunt Karey ("can't wait for tomorrow, wear a dress") and we were off..............our friends Erin and Elyse were suppose to go but baby Elyse is sick---HOPE you feel better soon baby Elyse!!! We headed about a 1/2 hour north to Trader's Point Creamery and Dairy Farm (I think that's its official name) for lunch and of course ice cream. It is in Zionsville and is an organic farm where the food goes from the farm to your table. We failed to get a picture of our food but Karey did remember to take a picture of the ice cream---I am not usually one to get vanilla but it was really good! It was creamy and very flavorful and Delaney liked it too...but I think she liked Karey's blackberry better and wouldn't you know my picture of her's didn't turn out! But take our word for it. There is a big empty barn on the property you can rent out for weddings, etc.---(Delaney goes NOWHERE without her baby)............And there were cows (and flies......) The restaurant is called the Loft. I meant to get a picture inside. It is really neat and has a "rustic elegance" decor. Oh, and our waitress was a girl I went to middle school with back in 7th grade. She recognized me immediately so I ask you, is that a good thing or a bad thing?? I mean do I REALLY look like I did in the 7th grade??????? Oh, and strike two was when she asked if Delaney was my 1st and when I replied "yes" she said "oh, you waited awhile didn't you"!!!!!!! (Her son was in MIDDLE school)....................
Then we walked around the grounds for some pictures......(and an hour after we got home Karey reminded us we forgot to go into the store where they sell their food products). Guess we'll just have to go back!!!
Please excuse Delaney's white shoes. We are perfectly aware you are not suppose to wear white "below the waist" after Labor Day. But, you need to be aware that it is like 90 degrees today. Oh, and we did go shopping on Saturday for new shoes for her but Stride Rite didn't impress so she didn't get any. And, I also want to blog about what only my kid would do right smack in the middle of Von Maur and the mall. She wore her sandals so it would be easy to try on shoes so when I went to put a pair on her in Von Maur, where by the way, they don't sell wide width nor extra wide width, and when I took her shoe off she lifted up her stinky feet to her nose and made her crinkle face like her feet stunk---AND THEY DID!!! So I then tried on a pair of crocs at the mall kiosk and she did it again.....the girl is determined to mortify her mother!!!! But oh my gosh it was so "stinkin" cute. My problem is I can't buy her shoes off the internet because her foot is so wide and chunky she has to try everything on. Oh and while in Von Maur I tried Uggs on her and her foot wouldn't even bend---how is she ever going to wear Uggs?????? This is a fashion crisis we're dealing with here people!!!! P. S. the crocs don't feet her either...........

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