Friday, September 9, 2011

Fashion Friday

Ok so today's "fashion" isn't exactly clothes. It's this adorably cute (is that redundant?) kitchen I found on where else? PINTEREST? I mean if this doesn't get you to join nothing will! Anyway, I know you want to see a picture of Delaney and what she's wearing but she's napping and you all know my stance on that!!! So, while wasting lots of valuable time on the internet when I should be reading Mansfield Park (for book club on my new Kindle "fourteen" of my closest friends got me---true story---I am so blessed!), I came across this BUT I NEED YOUR HELP! Garage sale season is coming to an end so I need ALL EYES on the lookout for this. I think it's a t.v. stand (you know, from the 80's) so if you stumble across one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BUY IT. Delaney promises to pay you back!!Oh, and if you're wondering what she's wearing today it's her purple onesie that says Mom's Lil Shopper (thanks Debbie). She wanted to wear it in preparation for tomorrow's Macy's sale she is so excited to go to. She thinks she needs new socks and pajamas...........oh and new shoes, she thinks she needs them too! I can no longer afford this kid! ha ha ha

Have a nice weekend and as we are "starting" to say in our house---GO COLTS!!! GET WELL SOON PEYTON!!!!

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