Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling........

Delaney decided today was the day!!! Some of you know that she has a new "get up time" in the morning....8:00 a.m. I know, stop laughing, to me, that's early!!! I think really she just spoiled me these last few months by sleeping in until 9:30ish....those days seem to be long gone!!

She got up, had her bottle, and got down to business........... I just knew as soon as I turned my head, she'd do it and I'd find her in this position...BUT, Delaney knew how much her mommy wanted to see her roll over for the first time so instead of getting up and being productive, I waited patiently on the sofa to see if she'd do it and soon enough, here's what I saw (this was taken the very first time--I didn't get it on video though)....
So we changed clothes (before noon today!) and practiced some more......I could not get her to look at the camera so this is the best face shot I could get.

Here is a closer one!!

So, we've entered it in the baby book and called the school to make sure the bus stops out front tomorrow because now she's a big girl!!! What's next?? crawling??? Oh Geez I am not ready for any of this!!!


  1. Yay Delaney!!! (Is it ok if I praise her for rolling over?! :o)

  2. Sweet Delaney is on the move now! I can't believe she's going to be 5 mths old already.
