Thursday, August 26, 2010

A New Zip Code

No, we are not moving, however, Delaney and I did see some condos at we liked today! We ventured just a short 8 miles north to downtown and took a nice walk on the canal!! It was a beautiful day for it. One would THINK after working downtown for so many years, I would remember that there is no such thing as FREE parking downtown. I have had so many people tell me that I need to consolidate my purse with my diaper today, I did! Which meant I left my change purse at home and didn't have any cash on me! THANK YOU VISA AND MASTERCARD! Of course the self pay parking machine accepted them.
Shocking I know, but every single woman who walked past Delaney commented on her adorable sunglasses. I think I am going to hang a sign from her stroller that says "look but don't touch"!

She LOVES to be outside.........
Don't worry, I put the brakes on the stroller before taking this picture!

And of course after a long walk, Delaney worked up an appetite.

Here are some pictures of her in a new outfit! I couldn't decide if they were pants that were too short or shorts that were too long. All I know is they are size 6 months and I am not happy about this!

I think I'll just call them capris.

I couldn't resist taking this picture. WHO sucks their thumb OVER their book?????

1 comment:

  1. "Green eyed Baby", isn't that a song? She is Adorable for sure. Wow!!!
