Wednesday, May 25, 2011

These "hips" are made for walking.

We thought we'd skip "Wordless Wednesday" today since we have lots to blog about. Delaney got her "reminder" call from Peyton Manning for her follow up visit with her pediatric orthopedic doctor. After the FORTY-FIVE minute drive there today--oh, and the HOUR LONG WAIT for the doctor, she got a clean bill of health and we got to walk right past the scheduling desk because she NEVER has to go back!!! (But Peyton, feel free to call us anytime-you've got our number!) Delaney had to get two x-rays and it was such a different experience than when we were there in May! She sat as still as you would expect a 14 month old to sit through are some fun pictures I took today!!!!
This is her new Adirondack chair her aunt Beth got her. It's for our deck out back (which is undergoing a make-over-----stay tuned!)
Have you EVER?????????????????????? No deviation in these hips!!!!
As you can probably guess, she sits in this chair every way but the proper way!!!!
And now she's stuck.............

I came across this picture and couldn't believe how much Delaney has changed in just the last 2 months!!!! Here I am trying to inconspicuously tickle her foot so she'll smile!!!!
And here it is, the monthly 14 month post as to what Delaney is "up to" these days..........
  • I don't know how much she weighs (or height) but she has really slimmed down. I think she will be in 12 month clothes for awhile (or at least I hope because she has tons of them!) Delaney doesn't go back to the doctor until late next month so I'll know these "stats" then.
  • From the minute she wakes up (still about 9:00 a.m.) until her nap (usually around 1:00 p.m.) she is NONSTOP on the go! Her new thing when she wakes up in the morning and I go in to get her is to run from me--of course she doesn't get far in her crib!!! SO CUTE!!!
  • Delaney takes her morning milk bottle when she gets up and then after that she has oatmeal, breakfast bar, or banana. We don't make a big deal about having "typical" breakfast/lunch/dinner foods at those specific meals. She really isn't a "big eater" as far as quantity. She likes her juice from her sippy cup and milk from her bottle. She LOVES bananas----I can't stand them!!! She also loves yogurt and applesauce!
  • She is really starting to recognize things---like if I say "where is your___?" she knows and it's so darn cute!
  • She is still like a mini WWF wrestler when it comes to changing her diaper! It is unbelievably annoying but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!
  • She says "night-night", "dog", "hi", "daddy" or "da-da"---no interest in "momma" or "mommy" for the most part!
  • She WILL NOT learn to kiss or give hugs. I decided she knows her dad would NOT be happy with people spreading germs by doing either!!!! I have never seen a kid who wouldn't kiss!!! She will waive bye-bye! She tells EVERYONE who crosses her path "hi". She literally got the attention of EVERY SINGLE PERSON AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE TODAY. It's crazy how much attention people pay to her when we're out. It's like she's a celebrity!
  • She LOVES to be outside. When it's not raining (like it has been the last 2 weeks) we go outside and sit on the front porch, swing, or go for a walk.
  • If Delaney drops something she turns and looks at you with that "ought oh" look and makes a "fish lips" like "did I do that"??? SOOOO cute! Need to get that on video.....
  • It's unbelievable to watch her personality develop. If we are out and she starts doing her "hi" to everyone who walks by, I say "she's soooo shy"....just joking of course because there's nothing shy about this little girl of mine and I love it!
  • She STILL doesn't keep her shoes on and takes them off and chews on the velcro! CRAZY
  • She has another tooth coming in on the bottom!
  • Since our last post, she's had her 1st haircut!
  • She takes her bath every other night in the big bathtub and LOVES it (now). I keep meaning to videotape it but of course remember once she's already in the bathtub and I can't leave the bathroom to grab the video camera! I will try to sit it on the tripod so you can see how wet I get during her 5 minute bath! I really need to go back to the sink baths!
  • We're thinking about taking swim lessons......
  • We're also thinking of not (since mommy has to get in a bathing suit for them)!!!

Dear Delaney,

Someone told me today before I know it, you'll be 14 YEARS! Clearly, I wanted to punch his lights out (but I'm a lady so I just said "ya, I know"). We have a lot of fun things planned for this summer and I can't wait to wake up each morning to your smiles, laughter and giggles!!!! You have the sweetest disposition and your personality blossoms everyday! I love to just "watch you" when you're playing or trying to figure out how something works. I remember in the hospital thinking "is this baby really mine", "do I really get to take her home", "I don't know a thing about babies", "what am I suppose to do with her".....and the list goes on. And now, I just look at you and think "is this baby really mine"???? NEVER EVER will I know what I did to deserve you! You are the most precious thing I've ever laid eyes on and my favorite person in the whole wide world!!!

Your mommy

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