Thursday, July 1, 2010

Baby Einstein Videos and Baby Leggings!

Here's what Delaney looked like watching her videos--she loved them! And mom loved them too when it was over and Delaney was doing this!

Mom and Delaney got out this week and went to dinner. The weather here has been beautiful but I still felt like Delaney needed something on her legs so I broke out the baby leggings. I was just sure they would be too big for Delaney but as you can see they weren't! (Notice it was ANOTHER no hair dryer day for mom).....

1 comment:

  1. 1. Sorry about your tech troubles. Nothing like 'em to make us appreciate...

    2. You survived without her!

    3. Wow! I didn't know some many of you went "Brown County." Love the pink!
    4. Thank God for grandparents!
    5. 14 lbs!*&!!$*!! With or without the band-aids??
    6. She's SO adorable, even in her diaper--or a wifebeater!
