Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Tummy Time"

I"ll be honest, Delaney doesn't get a whole lot of tummy time. But today, I got out the boppy pillow and gave her some. Grandma Terry is here today and is spending the night with us. We went through Delaney's pajama drawer and realized IT'S TIME TO GO SHOPPING!!!!! So, we will be on a mission tomorrow for some new pajamas!! Delaney kept sliding down..........

"Hey, isn't someone going to get me, I'm sliding down here"..........
"still sliding"...........
Thank you to those of you who took the time to vote for Delaney in the Beautiful Babies Contest. The voting ended yesterday and we're just waiting for the mailman to deliver our $5,000.00 check!!! We'll let you know when it arrives. Delaney appreciates your votes!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It did seem that Caleb grew out of his pj's faster than anything. Have fun shopping!! See you tonight.
