Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Super" Fun.............

Delaney and I had big plans yesterday.  With a forecast like this, there was only one place to go (and even though it was NOT "Mostly Sunny", and "even though" I said a million times we were staying away from downtown)..............

Can you imagine walking up all of these stairs for the zip line????? ME NEITHER!! I told Delaney to "forgetaboutit"..........
 Here's Delaney hanging out at Super Bowl Village................(we'll discuss the hat later)
 You know, the one that gave her this crazy, static, mullet head hair!
 I know, I'm crazy about her too................
 Notice the little arm all the way to the right............
Now notice who has the ball.......Delaney gave it right back to its rightful owner even though his daddy told him he had to share!
 I took Delaney's coat off long enough for a few photos (clearly, I should have focused more on that hair)!!!

If I was given a dollar for every person who commented on this hat, I would not be blogging right now, I would be in line at the bank!!! One lady said "now that's the best I've seen" and to be honest, I am not exactly sure what she meant by that! ha ha ha  Delaney's aunt Beth got this for her for Christmas. And YES, had the weather forecast been accurate, she STILL would have worn it!
Delaney worked up an appetite and since her mom left her food at home she got her first kid's meal.  I could not believe how much of it she ate (chicken fingers and fries)!  We ate at the Colts Grille and I am here to tell you they have the BEST spinach dip I have ever had!  (Delaney can vouch for the fries......)
Delaney Approved!
 I threw in some cucumbers so she had SOMETHING healthy too!
 Delaney wanted to call Eli while she waited on her meal...................
"Hi Eli, I"m having lunch with aunt Dani and mommy, I just wanted to wish you luck on Sunday, ok, I gotta go, my french fries are here".............
We had a fun day yesterday (with the exception of the man walking behind me as I was pushing the stroller and said TWICE how he would "never bring a baby down here").  It's been 12 hours and I'm still not over it seeing how I have told everyone I have talked to since we've been home which really hasn't been that many people since our phone and internet service were both out FOR HOURS and we didn't know it!  AT&T called and said "Mrs. Newsom, this is AT&T and we think we screwed with your phone line"...YOU THINK????? well "screw" the phone what the heck about my internet???????  Luckily, it was back up and running or I would not be telling you how it took every fiber of my being to not stop and turn around and "go mom crazy on him".  But then I reminded myself that I am going to "Live The Example" (you know that whole if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all) for Delaney and we kept on "strolling" at a rather slower pace just for him!  Had I not taken the "high road" so to speak, I would have stopped, turned around and said "Sir, you picked the WRONG mother to Judge, I am the mom who almost put my baby in her snow suit today" (but I was afraid aunt Dani would be embarrassed to have been seen with us despite me giving her the head's up text)! ha ha ha.....It was just a stranger judging, but it was still judging!!!

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