Saturday, January 8, 2011

Go Colts!!

We are just a few hours away from the big game tonight and Delaney is so excited. She rested up today with a THREE HOUR NAP!! and is just waiting for the clock to strike 8:00 p.m. I remember not too long ago "the expert" a/k/a my best friend, Julie, told me that "soon" Delaney would get on a routine of taking naps. Why is Julie an expert you ask? Well, she has five kids and that qualifies in my book! Who needs a pediatrician when you have her! ha ha ha Well, anyway, THE TIME HAS COME! Delaney has gotten into a routine of taking naps (not a morning nap since she is still getting up at 9:00 a.m. bless her little heart) but she is starting to take an early afternoon nap and if it's "early enough" she may also take an evening nap. I have entered a whole new season of motherhood now that my child naps! I don't even know what to do with myself. I am really trying to make better use of my time and just may get to stay in book club after all since I've been doing better about reading. We are reading The Blind Side and boy am I learning a lot about football!!! I know you're probably wondering if I ever read any baby books and the answer is NO!! I have NEVER EVER read one book. If you've stuck with this post then you already know I have an expert on my side so who needs a book when she's just a phone call (or text) away! Goodness Gracious I am one lucky momma.....................
"Delaney, what do we think of the Jets"???????
"Delaney, what do we think of the Colts"????????


  1. Her expressions are adorable. You can really see all of her new teeth in these and yes, you are one lucky mamma!

  2. Well here's our proof right here, Delaney is highly intelligent. I mean she already knows which football team to cheer for! This is my EXPERT opinion! haha!
