Saturday, January 15, 2011

Delaney Will Go To Great Lengths To Get Out of the House.....

and, her pajamas! Oh wait, she left the house IN HER PAJAMAS!!! Yes I have turned into "that mom" and let my daughter leave in her pj's and her "bed head". It's official, I HAVE FAILED AS A MOTHER!!!!!!!!! Delaney had to have her first antibiotic................................I have prided myself on that little ummmmm, how should I make this "blog appropriate"..ok, her "bottom". As in, she has NEVER EVER had a diaper rash, in fact, we have the same tube of diaper rash cream since she was born!!! But, on Wednesday, I noticed "something was going on" wasn't a rash, but we were thinking maybe a yeast infection. So, off to the doctor we went!!!! But thank goodness it wasn't a yeast infection. She just has a skin infection going on and he "sees it all the time" as if that was going to make me feel any better! He then says that it's quite possible she COULD GET A YEAST INFECTION from taking the, here we are just a little over 9 months into Delaney's life and my baby has to take medicine! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? Thank goodness it tastes good because she has to take it twice a day!!!
When I woke up this morning, I heard something on the monitor and wondered what in the heck it was. Delaney doesn't have anything in her crib with her so I thought "what was that". I got up and saw her at the end of her crib with her arm stretched out and grabbing her laundry basket. She somehow managed to throw the lid on the floor! I think my little domestic diva is trying to tell me she's ready to learn how to help with the laundry!!! (don't I wish).............
This morning started out like every other morning...Delaney started playing and dumped her toy baskets...but when she pulled her books down, one of them must have hit her because she cried like I"ve never heard her cry!
So, I ran and got her "boo boo bunny" uh huh, that's right, we haven't blogged about this yet because we have never had to use it! It's essentially a baby ice pak. This stays in our freezer. However, Delaney wanted to put it in her mouth rather than on her "boo boo"...................(I know what you're thinking..."where's the boo boo")...well it's just under her left eye, just a little bump...don't see it? LOOK CLOSER, I PROMISE IT'S THERE! ha ha ha.......

I sure hope Delaney isn't calling CPS on me after all this.................

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