Monday, January 17, 2011

"50's or 60's Does it Really Matter???

Well, yes, if you're talking about age, but, I"m not! I'm talking about the temperature in our house when we woke up this morning!!! Now, this time last year, when I was pregnant, you would have likely seen our thermostat set at the 50's or 60's but it's a new year, and, well, a new belly....IT WAS FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! All because of this little piece here......"an ignitor switch". I really didn't care WHAT it was called I just wanted our heat back!!! While we waited for the heating and cooling repairman to get to us, we packed up and headed to grandma and grandpa's (where Delaney didn't get any attention paid to her)!!!! YA RIGHT. By early afternoon, we were back in business. It didn't take long for the house to warm right back up, in fact, it actually got a bit too hot! (I know, I"m never happy!)

As hard as I try, I cannot keep socks on this girl.....does anyone know a "good place" to find socks? Since we have hardwood floors, I want to make sure I get the ones with the non slip bottoms. I have heard The Childrens Place is a good place to get them...hhhmm, looks like we need to head to the mall. I'm actually afraid to take Delaney out of the house because I"m sure someone would turn me in if they saw her without socks!!

Delaney had a MAJOR blow out today at grandma and grandpa's so it was back to her pj's once she got home... (in her signature colors of course!)

Delaney now goes where "no baby has gone before" DOWN THE HALLWAY!! I put her exersaucer in the way to try and block her but you see how well that's's so cute to hear her "pitter patter" down the hall.

So, at the end of this crazy day, I decided to treat myself (now come on, it's just a small container, see, just 3.6 oz, so small it came with the "spoon inside"!!)

We're due for more bad weather. I got all of the laundry done today, I mean I would hate for Delaney to have to wear the same pair of pj's twice in one week! Looks like she might be in store for another "jammy week"!! Thank goodness she got tons of new pairs for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas----OUR CHRISTMAS POSTS ARE FINALLY UP!!!!! You'll have to scroll back to December 24th and 25th. There are multiple posts so grab a cup of coffee, or hot chocolate like I'm about to do, it may take you awhile!

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