Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving---Take Two

We had our second Thanksgiving get together at aunt Beth's house on Saturday which was a GORGEOUS day!! Delaney wanted to go outside---so she got to go outside....Delaney wanted uncle Jim to take her for a walk---so uncle Jim took her for a walk (you get the idea of who's in charge)................
Aunt Beth had Delaney's toys ready..................
But Delaney would rather sit in the kitchen with the women and talk (and eat crackers).....
There are so many things to be thankful for including Janie and Jack----I mean seriously, have you ever seen such cute clothes????? I bought this skirt last year (but their clothes run big) and it took an entire year to find a solid brown shirt to go with it (I am NOT joking just ask aunt Karey) this skirt went with us every time we shopped and was a permanent fixture in my purse! And here is a picture of Delaney eating another cracker---IN THE LIVING ROOM!!! This kid gets away with everything at aunt Beth's house.
On Sunday, the weather was the complete opposite of Saturday's. Watching the Colts game from the comfort of our home seemed much better than getting out in the rain so that's what we did. Delaney wanted to have a jammie day so...that's what we did! She stayed in her pj's until bath time and after that, she just put on a new pair!
Leftovers for dinner.................
I want to blog about this---picture grown adults sitting around the Thanksgiving table with Delaney sitting at the head of the table. She has really been into The Itsy Bitsy Spider (courtesy of aunt Karey) and she started doing it. Which consists of putting her two index fingers together and saying "eat eat" which is suppose to be itsy....I think. So then the entire table of adults starts doing The Itsy Bitsy Spider!!! She really does have us wrapped around her "Itsy Bitsy" fingers!!!!

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