Friday, November 11, 2011

1st Day of School

Ok, so maybe it wasn't technically "school", BUT, it sure felt like it (even though it was only 25 minutes and I was there with her the whole time).......for WEEKS I have been trying to take Delaney to the library for storytime but it's not exactly like we wake up around here with the roosters and things just kept "coming up". Storytime is at 11:00 a.m. and believe it or not, that is about "the earliest" we can be anywhere. Do you see now what the problem is going to be when it's time for her to really go to school!?!?!?! I want to make sure to blog about this because I was amazed at how well Delaney did. Since she was a newborn, I always worried about taking her out in public and how she would behave but I can honestly say I cannot think of ONE TIME (of course the day may come) when she misbehaved or had a meltdown, cried, threw a fit, etc. in public! I never want to be that parent that has to get my meal to go because of a poorly behaved child! If Delaney is anything, it's well behaved! She is a social bug and LOVES to be "out" --(despite the fact her daddy didn't want her leaving the house for fear someone would kidnap her--true story!). I should have known how well Delaney would do at storytime because she never ceases to amaze me at how well she can adapt. Let's face it, Delaney is not around small kids very often so I never know how she'll interact with other kids but she once again, amazed me. There were probably about 15 other moms/kids (1 grandpa which I thought was precious) sitting on the floor singing silly songs and listening to "Mary" (and yes, she really did have a little lamb) read 3 books---well not "every" kid. I don't know what it is about Delaney but the girl could careless about being read to! She prefers to hold the book herself, flip the pages herself---little miss independent I guess. Reading to her does NOT hold her attention---I don't know what I"ll do if the girl gets a hold of my Kindle! She sat on my lap or stood up when she was suppose to and clapped at all the appropriate times. It was as if the girl went every Thursday morning (yes, we consider 11:00 a.m. morning around here). Instead of paying attention to the books Delaney "people (or, in this case, "kid" watched). Surprise Surprise!! She pointed at all of the other "day days" which is what she calls babies. It doesn't matter if the kid is older than her they are still "day day". And there was one "day day" in particular Delaney would not stop paying attention to---BRAYDEN and yes, you are correct, "He" was a "Boy" was our "agenda" from Storytime......(yes, I kept it for her baby book)..............................................................
Seeing how well she did at Storytime made me realize that must be what it's like to watch your daughter leave to go to her 1st day of school (ok so maybe it wasn't THAT traumatic) but I do know that before I know it, my little heaven sent 24 lbs of pure joy WILL be walking out this front door to go to school.............(an all girl one!)
Waking up each morning trying to figure out the tough decisions......
Like which shoes to wear.................

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