Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Word" Wednesday......

Ok so these pictures require words today! So I almost forgot we have a pool out back!! (but not of course those weekly, costly visits to the pool store!!!!) It seems as though whenever Delaney naps, I find "better" things to do with my time like blog, catch up on emails, make phone calls, read, catch up on t.v. shows, etc!!! I mean really, I could probably count on many times I've enjoyed the pool ALL BY MYSELF!!!! (you didn't think I was going to show you a picture from the "knees up did you"???) But, I finished my book (The Help) just in time to go see the movie today (stay tuned for my "review") so yesterday I didn't have to read, any shows to catch up on, or any calls to make so I put on my bikini----I mean one piece, and hit the pool. And, before I knew it, Delaney was up from her nap (oh yes, now I know why I never do this, that ALWAYS HAPPENS)! So I went to get her up and when I walked in her room SHE WAS ONLY WEARING HER DIAPER!!! Little Delaney Catherine took off her outfit by herself and threw it on the floor (which means nothing Lesley---who bought it for her) she throws everything on her floor like her blanket and her baby which she loves!!!! The funniest part was her romper was still snapped!!! I have no clue what she did to get herself out of it and was so surprised that I didn't think to go grab my camera! But wait...........when I put her in her pack n play while I showered.....this is what I came out to...........................
Yep, there it is the hot pink outfit on the floor----(still napped again)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This kid is the next Houdini I tell you!!!!

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