Monday, July 4, 2011

Don't leave home without 1 wagon, 2 strollers, 4 camp chairs, 1 blanket, and 1 diaper bag......

When you are headed to........

I don't know why I was surprised when Delaney was more interested in "people watching" than she was the animals! Good thing she got in for FREE!!!!
We planned to go to the zoo with Delaney's grandmas and grandpa last Friday but if you recall, a certain someone ended up going to the ER instead. So, we went this past Friday and the weather couldn't have been better. It was suppose to be in the 90's but if there's one thing you can count on that's the weather forecasters BEING WRONG! It was overcast all day and PERFECT for the zoo. They had a live band there so we went when Delaney got up from her nap at 4:00. Delaney got to ride in her stroller and I got to ride IN A WHEELCHAIR!!! I won't even bother blogging about how I lost my debit card (thank goodness our world still has honest people in it). I purposely put Delaney in her flamingo dress so I could get her picture by them. When we initially saw the flamingos I decided to wait on the picture since they were right by where the band was going to play so I thought I'd just get her picture once we got through the zoo (which I might add is so much fun when you're being "wheeled around"!!!). Once we got through the zoo which didn't take us long (it was not crowded AT ALL) we decided to sit and have dinner and listen to the band (which by the way, when they finished playing a song and the crowd would clap, guess who clapped along with the crowd!!!?!?!). We noticed the flamingos were still out (the zoo was open late) but then a bit later realized THEY HAD BEEN TAKEN AWAY!!! So, that's why you don't see a picture of the flamingos! This is about as close as you're going to get.........
And then someone got a little silly and it was time to go home.....................
And if you're wondering just how much of that stuff we actually used.....just one of the strollers! Delaney and I are nothing if we aren't "prepared"!!

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