Friday, April 15, 2011

Momma's Not Very "Hoppy"...........

I mean seriously....would YOU be???? If this is THE BEST Easter set up your local mall had what would you do??? Would you BEG the photographer (who I later determined was the lady who did the setup) to re-arrange the setup or would you just "go with it"???? Well, as you can see, we just "went with it". I was so excited to get Delaney dressed up (in one of many Easter dresses) and take her to see the Easter bunny. We were so excited when we saw there was no line but that quickly changed when we turned the corner and saw ferns, a brown wicker loveseat and OLD, worn out cushions. I immediately asked if the Easter bunny could get up and we take the picture on the stone wall with planted (fake) pastel flowers that was set up around the perimeter (I was told "no"---clearly, I am the ONLY mom who has ever asked this before). I mean look at this picture...there is only ONE cute thing in it................................. (and if you'll notice, the yellow duck is cut out of the picture!!) Dear Easter Bunny, if you happen to live in the North Pole, could you PLEASE get a better setting for your next trip to the Greenwood Park Mall????


  1. I hate to say it, but it does look like Delaney stepped back into the 80's for this Easter Bunny Photo. HAHA!!

  2. I know! Had I known it was an 80's setting, I would have put her baby leg warmers on her!!! ha
