Saturday, April 9, 2011


Sorry we 've been a little absent from blogging the last few days but now that Delaney is .....ahem.....TWELVE MONTHS old we have a lot of decisions to make like should she stay home with her mommy and take online college classes or should she go to............................ I know, isn't this THE CUTEST thing EVER??? Our friend Jodi (who is a schoolteacher) bought this for Delaney last summer and when I say bought, I mean had it shipped from the Harvard bookstore! I could not wait for Delaney to wear it (you know, once she turned...Twelve Months)! And, we got to pair it with her St. Patrick's Day baby legs (white with green polk a dots) Oh, and speaking of "pairing" we are going to be doing something fun this summer, as you can imagine, Delaney has an extensive Spring/Summer line just waiting to come out of her closet (or, out from under her crib) so we will be doing "Fashion Friday" soon! Anyway, back to our topic----I explained to Delaney how far away Harvard was from her mommy and she agreed---Harvard is Out! But, I did tell her she could keep the onesie..........(I mean look at this kid, they would never accept her anyway with this bad hair of her's she wakes up with!) Oh, who am I kidding, of course they would.............wouldn't they??????? p.s. NO, she is not wearing lipstick--surely you know by now my daughter won't be wearing that until she's 40!
And this may come as a shock to you but we got another delivery this past week.....Is everyone getting their "Group-on"? (And, yes, actually I do crack myself up)! I just love seeing what the daily deal will be. Go sign up if you haven't already. You'll get a daily deal for a local vendor. I have been wanting some large canvas prints of my sweet cheeks for ions but not wanting to pay the large price tag.....I want to hang them up in our living room but wanted to see the quality before I purchased more than one. I was very impressed and will be ordering more just as soon as Canvas On Demand offers the deal again so if they're reading---we're ready to get our "Group-on" (again)! Speaking of living room, Delaney and I want to make some changes--not a complete overhaul, just some re-accessorizing so we will be going to one of my favorite stores (Ballard Designs). Actually, I buy online from them and just recently learned they have an outlet mall in Ohio (about 2 hours away---who knew?? certainly not me!) so we'll be going there soon (as in TOMORROW!) so stay tuned! I am so excited I literally called to make sure they had carts so I wouldn't have to take up space in the car with Delaney's stroller!!! (Just in case we find some great deals of course) I know, bad mom!

Well, I better get off now, I have to go get ready for DELANEY'S FOURTH AND FINAL BIRTHDAY PARTY!! It must be rough being Delaney! I know I've posted this picture several times on the blog, it remains my FAVORITE picture of Delaney so I for sure wanted it in a canvas--this was taken after her two hour newborn photo shoot--she was pooped! Every time I look at this picture I wonder how in the world I got lucky enough to be this sweet precious girl's mommy???????????

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