Sunday, April 5, 2015

Our "Pinteresting" Easter

Our Easter started at 8:00 a.m. when I heard my doorknob turn and the sweetest little voice say "mommy, get up, do you know what day it is".............and then the next thing I heard was the alarm blaring because Delaney opened the front door to look for her Easter basket on the front porch!  And I guess that's my fault because on "Easter Eve" right at bedtime of course when I still needed to fill Easter eggs with "partially stolen" change (it was a candy-less Easter this year), I was bombarded with all sort of questions I was not prepared for! She wanted to know if the Easter bunny "hops" to everyone's house, how he gets inside and all sorts of other things I didn't know the answers to.
The "Easter bunny" had been looking everywhere for a small Wet Brush for Delaney! Have you tried one? They are GREAT.  I got the large, mommy sized version at Target.
You'll see this little number again soon......
Her first bunny from when she was born........
A quick wardrobe change.........(she refuses to remove her band-aids)  I asked her if she wanted to wear panty hose today and she told me she didn't want to because she wanted to show everyone her "shots"...................I am a sucker for cute little bathing suits. She probably has 15! Summer hurry up and get here please...........
Post Easter Egg Hunt
Always entertaining...........
Our "Pinterest" contributions.....I have a love/hate relationship for Pinterest. It can really make you feel inadequate sometimes and by sometimes I mean when you throw canned green beans in the crockpot and pick up a ham from HoneyBaked Ham when your guests show up with creations like these! We also had the Easter staples along with FIVE different desserts!!
For a week, all I heard about was our Easter egg hunt!  The girls were very entertaining to watch. And we think they may need their eyes checked since neither could find the most obvious egg!!!
Delaney pulled these out of her hat!!! (ok, my attempt at humor) after everyone left. 
This is what she does when I pull out the camera......the girl really is a hot little mess!
Eating her Sushi Peeps!!
It was a great Easter...........
 Easter is the holiday we host.  It is one of my favorites.  Easter was the only holiday we spent as a family of three.  Our first Easter Delaney was just over a week old.  I BEGGED her dad to let her go outside (it was a gorgeous day) for a family picture.  And, I would post it but like I said, Delaney was just over a week old and I was as big as the tree was round!!!

This Easter, after everyone left, Delaney got out her Hello Kitty karaoke machine and wanted us to have a dance party (for two).  So we danced to her Barbie Christmas CD.  It seemed appropriate considering the living room looked like Christmas after everyone brought over their non-candy Easter gifts for Delaney!!!

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