Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Holiday World

Last week we went with grandma and grandpa to Holiday World.  We left Monday night and stayed the night so we would be there bright and early when Delaney woke up at 9:00 a.m.!! We got to the park just after it opened and went straight to the kid area (Rudolph something??) so Delaney could ride some rides (after I demanded to review each and every ride inspection report of course)!!!
 First up, the carousel........
 And then, the rockets!  I looked over at my mom and said "just so you know, I have absolutely no problem making them stop this ride if Delaney doesn't like it"......
 Then I reminded her to hold on with both hands.....
 See how well she listened...she went around the entire time doing her pageant wave and telling everyone "hi".........this girl never ceases to amaze me! So, after ride #2, I knew she was "all in"!!!
 I"ll be honest, when she wanted to ride this ride (and it had a wait) I was thinking there is no way she'll do this.  And I"ll be more honest ONCE I DISCOVERED THERE WERE NO SEAT BELTS had she backed out of wanting to ride it that would have been just fine with me!  Do you see the boy in the background in the red shirt?  I may or may not have threatened him if he took his eyes off my girl!!!!!  I mean there were NO seat belts do you blame me!!!
 She likes to take control of the wheel (like her momma)!!
 See, even grandpa fell for it on the Jeeps!
 I can assure you I did NOT ride any roller coasters (hate them!) and neither did Delaney but her grandpa sure did!
 And then we found the fish ride which was by far her favorite!
 After lunch, we decided it was time to do a water test on their pool water try out the water park and it did NOT disappoint!  My mom observed that Delaney was the only kid in the water park wearing a life preserver!  I decided I was the only mom in the park who apparently loved their kid!!  I mean so what if the water was only 12 inches deep!
 Delaney loved the free "minutelaid" which is her version of lemonade!...........
 My daughter is fearless PERIOD.  At the top of the slide there was a photo along with the rules for using the slides and it clearly showed AND SAID you must go down feet first and sit on your bottom!!  I kept waiting for the lifeguard to blow his whistle at Delaney for going down face first.  This is the ONLY way Delaney EVER goes down a slide!!!!!
After 7 hours it was time to head home and 17 minutes after getting on the road, she was asleep!
We had a great day and will definitely be going back.  


  1. How fun! Kindley has NEVER slept until 9:00!!! Holy cow; that would be amazing.

  2. It looks like you had a great time!
