Wednesday, December 21, 2016


I am told I can "officially" post pictures of this precious little guy. He has been part of our family since the day he was born. His birth mom wasn't ready to be a mom so he is now part of our family and oh how we love him. Dave's cousin officially adopted Jaden last week and now I don't have to cover up his sweet little face with those dumb circles! Don't you just want to eat him up! This has been a long time coming (he will be THREE in April) and we are oh so glad to have him......


As if one new cousin wasn't exciting, Delaney's cousin Wyatt was born on December 1st and we finally got over our sickness and got to meet him (more on that later)......

Delaney's other two cousins will be here in February!! One is a boy and the other is "unknown".