Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Picture Overload (hope you don't mind)......................

We came from the opposite direction so we didn't see the sign.....

 You know the one........the one at the old barn on private property

But it wouldn't have mattered........

It was sunny out, it wasn't "suppose" to be..........
When you're 3 and you squint your eyes from the sun and don't like to look at the camera, and when you're thirty-"something" and close your eyes in almost ALL of the pictures, YOU GET WHAT YOU GET AND YOU DON'T THROW A FIT!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love them....and the fact that you trespassed:o)!
    I loved what you said on Mother's Day about posting even the "not so good" photos, because they're still memories (something like that). I have kept that in my mind since then and have let go of getting the "professional shot" at all times!
