Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dance Moms

I'm pretty sure Dance Moms won't come calling to cast me for their show.  However, I do have a whole new appreciation for those women (and the pharmaceutical companies)! MY WORD is dance stressful (for me of course).

Here we are getting ready to leave (surprisingly, right on time).........

Taken just seconds later........

And seconds after that, backing out of the driveway....Can you guess what time it was??? 

Delaney did great at rehearsal so I was sure she was going to Rock It at her recital and if she didn't, she was going to give stage fright a whole new level of cuteness, I mean would you look at her!!

Thank goodness we have years (maybe decades) to practice lip gloss.  Clearly something we should have practiced before it was time to go "on the big stage" as Delaney put it.  She had to wait 2 and 1/2 hours for her performance and all I heard was "can I go on the big stage yet mommy".  Oh, and please disregard the bags under my eyes, we lost power the night before so it was a sleepless night (for me of course, not Delaney) When our entire street lost power, the first thing I thought of was if we didn't have power the next day, how I was going to curl her hair (ok, maybe the FIRST thing I thought of was when will the A/C come back on!)......I did get to curl Delaney's hair before we left and by the time we got there 30 minutes later, it was straight again. I knew the car seat would not be kind to those pretty curls!  I was tempted "not to", but you know, there's the law and everything. I wish I could have put it in a bun but her group was suppose to leave their hair down.

See what I mean about her hair----HOT MESS! But it really wasn't her hair that got our attention.....

And here is why Delaney took dance for the last 10 months (after she got it, she yelled from stage "look mommy, I got a trophy" and I yelled back "I know baby, WHO DO YOU THINK PAID FOR THAT"---ok, maybe I left that last part out!!)

When I took Delaney backstage, I gave her a hug and reminded her how many people came to see her and that she needed to ROCK IT. Then we did knuckles and I walked away.  As I got to the end of the hallway, while some of the other little girls were having meltdowns (bet those moms were wishing they'd skipped the mascara!) I heard "bye mommy"..........yep, YOU KNOW WHO!!!! After her performance, I went to get her and bring her back to the auditorium and at that point, there was another performance going on and when we got back to our seat, Delaney yelled (just about the only level of communication she knows) "EVERYBODY, I ROCKED IT"!!!!!!!!!! That was without a doubt, my favorite moment of the day.  I know it should be when she was up on stage dancing like no one was watching and not when she was interrupting another dancer's routine but boy it was a great moment! Three days later, I continue to tell her how proud I am of her and I ask her if she knows why and she says "because I Rocked It"...........

And after being gone for what seemed like eternity, we made it home just before 9:00, or what I like to call JUST BEFORE THE SEASON PREMIERE OF TRUE BLOOD. Cause Lord knows I would have yanked her off stage to get home to watch it. I may or may not have told someone I was more excited for the premiere than the recital...........

Delaney, thank you for spending every Thursday evening for the last ten months going to dance. Even on the days I had to wake you up from your nap and you didn't want to go, you went.  A few weeks ago you had a splinter in your toe and you still went, no complaints.  I felt bad about that one because your shoes have been too small for awhile but I refused to buy new ones!  I almost called to tell them you weren't coming but then I knew you wouldn't get your perfect attendance award at your recital. Every time we went to dance, you got so excited and ran into class and every time it was over you came running out excited (although I know that was because of the suckers).  You went to dance rehearsal and I knew you were going to be your usual, entertaining self for the recital.  As usual, you never cease to amaze me and go above and beyond my ridiculously high expectations.  Thank you for getting up on "the big stage" and ROCKING IT (and thank you for giving me a reason to wear my new maxi skirt!!)  Delaney, I would have been just as proud of you if you would have gotten stage fright and done nothing---well, maybe just as proud!  And a HUGE thank you to all who came and suffered sat through the long day!

Once I get the overpriced DVD and professional pictures (oh my, maybe I am a dance mom), I"ll be sure to update the blog!

How appropriate her recital was on Father's Day. I sat there thinking what in the world would David think if he were here.  And I think we all know what he'd think about the hairspray, pink cheeks and we don't even want to discuss the RED lipstick (again, I was told that was what she should wear)....I looked up on that stage and saw Delaney laughing, smiling, blowing kisses, and waiving to the audience and thought, I know EXACTLY what he'd think!!!!

And if you're wondering if we're going to continue with dance, NO!!!! "Delaney" wants to take gymnastics and it just so happens "she" wants to go where I went when I was youngER!

But for now, we're just going to enjoy summer, we, ok, I, need a break!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!!! And it does look like she rocked it!! I wish we could have been there too:o)
