Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Welcome to Our Blog"

We decided instead of bombarding everyone with daily pictures, emails, etc., we would create a blog and let all of you come to us for updates. We realize once this baby gets here no one will really care what's going on with us and you'll only care about the baby (ha ha ha) so this is your way to see how she's growing and what she's up to. I've been promising a lot of you pictures of the nursery so until "she's" here this is all I have baby related to post!!!


  1. This is a great idea - because you know how much we want to see how the "Baby" and parents are doing.

    Love ya
    Grandma T

  2. How would we survive without technology, blogs are such a great way to communicate with others and keep us up-to-date with baby and mom and dad. I can't believe her wardrobe already; this little girl won't need any clothes until she starts school....ha! ha!

    Love Great Aunt Trina

  3. Yeah for the blog!!!! I know that for almost everyone else, they'll get to see you and the baby on a regular basis. But for those of us who don't, this is the next best thing! I love her room!!!
