Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Free Cucumbers

Delaney had to take in seeds to school for science class. They are going to try to guess what the seeds will grow into. After going to several places, we ended up at the nursery where we buy our last minute, picked over, Christmas tree every year. They gave them to me for free when I told them I had "just" the one's Delaney holding her cucumber seeds for science class (which by the way, I had no idea she even has a science class)!! 
Every morning before we leave for school she runs down to her imaginary bus stop to catch her imaginary bus......
She brought this home from school. She prays for her dad and I'm not sure who else but that clearly doesn't say mom! I asked her if she thought about writing mom and she said "no, sorry, I didn't but maybe if we do it again I'll remember".  I told her that would be great since I'm the one who has to live with her and all.....(she later told me it says firefighter).....

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. That is interesting having science in K. Still wearing tennis shoes..
