Wednesday, August 5, 2015


There's a new Kindergartener in town!!!

When I came home from back to school night, the first thing Delaney wanted to know was.....

Because what else is Kindergarten about????

Then I told her about the fun way the kids are suppose to tell the teacher they need to use the restroom (it's the peace sign---or maybe it's pee sign??)

And then I told her that on Mondays she has to wear tennis shoes because she has gym class.  Then she said "what is gym class, is that where I wrestle around with boys"???


Her morning schedule goes like this......

8:00 school starts
9:00 their morning snack
11:00 lunch (we NEVER eat that early so that will be interesting)
11:30 recess

I'm hoping they have time to squeeze in some learning!!

I may or may not have bribed my little darling a week before school telling her if she went to bed on time with no complaints, I would take her to Build A Bear on her first day (you do what you've gotta do people!)
So of course, she went to bed like a champ and first thing she said this morning was 
"I can't wait to go to Build A Bear".

Then she threw in something about her excitement for Kindergarten and wanted to know when her FIRST recess was.  She has it in her head she gets TWO!

So grandma and I hopped in the car and went to run errands which took all of three hours and then I was left with "what the heck do I do now".................(so here I am, blogging).  My phone literally died from all the picture sending, emailing, and texting I did this morning.  Thank you for loving my girl, I know you all were so excited to hear (and see) how she did. Her grandma said she about cried because well, "she just wasn't ready for her to be five".  I told her to get over it and we headed to breakfast!  I guess I would be sad if Delaney was sad and was standing at the teacher's desk crying like another little girl was but she has two years of preschool under her belt.  I knew she'd take to it like a champ!!!

This picture represents what I hate about the first day of school.  You can't just do the jammy drop off in your flip flops....You could, but you'd be the worst parent ever. I hate that you have to actually get up (at 7:00AM) and get ready!  I was not ready to start setting the alarm clock.  And, in true form, I set it for Tues/Thur ONLY but luckily, I caught it because the only thing I can think of that would be worse than just dropping off your kid at school on the first day because you were too lazy to get ready is being late on your first day at a new school!!!!

Dear Delaney,

Well, this is it.  The first day of being away from your mommy ALL day EVERY day. You keep telling me I can just play on the ipad while you're at school but one can only do so much online shopping you know!

I learned at back to school night that we have been pronouncing your teacher's name wrong ALL summer so I hope you catch on soon! 

When we left this morning, I told your grandma I was pretty sure we had just brought you home from the hospital yesterday looking something like this.........

I just can't wait for this season of your life. I want you to be ridiculously smart (but not one of those kids smarter than their parent) and make great friends and be a great friend! (I met one of my friends on the very first day of Kindergarten albeit 35 years ago!)  I want you to be excited to learn and I want you to have a thirst for knowledge. When grandma and I were at Target today, one side of the aisle was school supplies and the other college supplies and I told grandma that 13 years will be here before we know it and I'll be super old and will probably need the motorized scooter at Target to buy your college supplies!  School will go by so quickly Delaney!!  

Education was so important to your daddy and me!  And if you've read this blog for any length of time you know how insane I was about getting her in the school David wanted her in.  And, I'm pleased to report it is just a short 4 minute drive from our house! Thank you daddy!!!!

Delaney, most of all, I want you to remember to enjoy school.  So many of my friends today are from my early years of school.  It's not just about education and learning, you are entering a new source of independence (although you're fiercely independent as it is!)

I love being your mom!  You challenge me, surprise me, constantly keep me on my toes and always make me laugh (just like your daddy)!!! 

Oh, and did I mention I expect you to get straight A's?????  

Love, your mommy 
(or, who you're now starting to call "mom")


  1. Excellent blog. Your little girl is growing up and, mom, you are "taking it like a champ."

  2. This made me cry (but I cry easily). It is a good cry. This will an exciting year and will go by so quickly. Love how she is always thinking. Everyone will want to be her friend. Yes it was just yesterday you two brought her home..Oh I guess things changed? Your letting her go to college. Grandma Terry

  3. Oh mommy, mom, she will do great and so will you. I have friend that was a "gym" teacher. He did not like that term. He always said he did not teach a building. So, I have always tried to emphasis PE, physical education, class. Will that confuse her?

  4. Yay, Delaney!!! Kindergarten is so much fun!!
