Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I didn't get a lot of pictures of Delaney (not for a lack of trying, she's 2, she doesn't WANT her picture taken!!)

 I know what you're thinking, this doesn't belong in this post but YES IT DOES!  Delaney was home bound for a few days because she refused to wear anything but her nightgowns.  Thank goodness she's now able to leave the house.  She wanted to wear her nightgown to our Thanksgiving dinner---so she did PICK YOUR BATTLES PEOPLE!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"I need that mommy, mommy buy that for me"

I hear this 100 times a day (thanks to all of the toy manufacturer commercials).....Delaney wants every single toy she sees on tv.  But the other day, she pointed to the tv and told me she needed that and it was a Tempur Pedic mattress!  If Santa brings anyone a new mattress it is NOT going to be the 2 year old in the house, it will be for the thirty-something year old!

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Potty Dance"

Guess who went potty on the toilet?????  Delaney walked up to me and said "mommy, I need to go to the bathroom".  Now, I've been told this before and as soon as I sit her on the toilet, nothing happens!! But not this time!  I heard a certain "noise" and ran into the bathroom and she was right! She did have to go to the bathroom.  So, a certain crazy very excited mommy did a "potty dance" right there in the hallway!!!  And then about 10 minutes later she went again IN HER DIAPER!!
I was so bummed, I thought this kid was potty trained.....................

So now when I have her tell people what she did in the potty she says "potty dance"...........
(Don't pay attention to the fact Delaney isn't wearing any socks--we just aren't ready---despite the fact we had snow today).  One of us still has an intact perfectly good "Florida pedicure" so we decided we are going back!!!  Why waste a good pedicure???????

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sit Tight..............

Sorry we've been absent from the blog. We have been so busy (we went out of town AGAIN) and there's so much to blog about, but for now, you'll have to just enjoy these pictures.....I cannot tell you how much I enjoy being this girl's mom!

You can surely see why, right??
(all pictures courtesy of "aunt karey")