The other day when we were out shopping, the man behind us in line said "does her dad have those eyes?" You know, because it's just ONE MORE THING Delaney didn't get from her mom!
Delaney's daddy had the biggest, roundest, brownest eyes ever. I was 100% certain before she was born she would have dark hair (she was born with very dark hair) and her daddy's big brown eyes! I was so certain of this, I told David people would think I was her step mom! (Delaney was born with blue eyes that turned green after she turned one--her daddy wanted her to have brown eyes so he could sing Brown Eyed Girl to her). The man then proceeded to tell me that people with brown eyes really have blue eyes underneath and there is apparently some surgery these people are having now to make their eyes blue----I admit, I wasn't exactly into the conversation because I was still trying to get over the fact the lady in front of us wanted to buy Delaney the toy she was crying over!!! She wanted to know why Delaney was crying (uh, she's 3!!), what the toy was (Delaney told her while sucking her thumb AND crying) what color it was, and where it was in the store. I politely informed the lady who had to be a grandma to take pity on my crying daughter (SUCKER) that she ALREADY HAD THE TOY SHE WAS CRYING OVER!!! I am NOT a you cry, you get it mom! So, Delaney cried her big green eyes out of the store (yes, grandmas, it happened!). 9 times out of 10 while we are out, people comment on Delaney's eyes! My "Green Eyed Girl".........
They might be green, but they still look like her daddy's!