Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Newsom Girls

I have to say, when the idea for our Christmas card came to me this year, I did NOT expect the feedback from our friends and family! I'm talking people who didn't even receive our card said how much they loved it!! How does that even happen????? Only us.............
You called, text, emailed and literally took pictures of our card and sent it to me telling me how much you liked it! You really are "our people".  And I am even talking about our die hard "Yankees fans friends".  Even you were gracious enough to comment.  And I'll admit, you almost got a different card because the Newsom girls don't like to rub it in that the Red Sox won the World Series this year!!! 
Or do we????

I actually contemplated hopping on a plane and going to Fenway so we could have an authentic dugout picture (that cannot surprise you!).  But then I realized that would probably not end well and we'd wind up in jail out of State (and more than likely my daughter would be taken from me).  So, we decided to just trespass locally (and she's still mine)!!!  

Oh, and for those of you who received our Christmas card, please don't change our address.  We're still right where you left us..........I think I am the only person on Earth who could put 60 return labels on cards and not once realize the wrong address was on the labels!!! Can't be Christmas without "something" around here....

This has been the most stress free Christmas I can ever remember....(well, for a type A like me!)
Delaney is "all in" this year and watching her enjoy Christmas has been so much fun. Just this morning, she told me she already got a Christmas present.....ME!  Now what 3 year old says that!!!!

Dear David,
Our daughter ROCKS MY WORLD!!!
(but you probably already knew that)

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