Does THIS give you any ideas?????
Isn't this dress adorable? And YES, I said dress. Of course now Delaney is wearing it as a sweater. I just can't part with it yet (even if it is a 12 month)! I know you look at these pictures and think "why in the world don't I do something with Delaney's hair"....I try, I really do. The girl will NOT keep bows in her hair and if I do a pony tail it will only stay in when I put it up when her hair is wet and we do her baths at night. So I guess it will just continue to be a hot mess! I tell Delaney all the time she isn't allowed to eat in the living room. Even if she goes and gets her food mat out of her diaper bag!!We set our alarm on Wednesday for 9:00 a.m. so we could get an early start for Macy's One Day Sale (you know, the sale they have EVERY week!). We NEVER set the alarm but my girl knows there are certain things that are worth getting up early for. Delaney didn't get anything from Macy's (but I did score a great new pair of I.N.C. jeans--and by that I mean jeans that are NOT low rise!) so then we headed to The Children's Place. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their stretchies (i.e. pajamas) and their socks. However, I do NOT love the fact they just changed their sizing. The last time I bought Delaney's stretchies I bought her 24 months. Now they are sized 18-24 months and then it goes to 3T (isn't that strange???) So here is Delaney trying to rip the tag off her new 3T stretchies (I have no clue where she learned this little bad habit).......
The last time we were at the mall, I was in line at Chick-Fil-A (pretty much doing what the lady in black was doing--I LOVE their lemonade with Splenda) and when I turned around, my friend Amy put Delaney on this thing and well, you can figure out what happened when we went back on Wednesday! I guess this means no more lemonades because we have to walk past this thing to get there. Of course I wiped Delaney down with wipes after she got off! Oh, and then I discovered they have more of these down by NY&Co. so I guess I'll quit shopping there!
And by the time we were leaving JoAnn's Delaney was "riding" this thing....You'll notice in the picture above Delaney is wearing a bow. You'll notice in the picture below she is not (nor is she wearing shoes!)On Thursday, we went to story time. When we pulled in there were lots of moms getting their kids out of their mom cars (i.e. SUV's) and we all simultaneously locked our cars with our clickers at the same time HONK HONK HONK and then formed a single file line as we walked in with our babies it was really funny! It was a good thing Delaney wore her Elmo shirt with her name on it because there were so many kids there (the biggest group ever) that we didn't get to do the "name game". I cannot tell you how much she enjoys going. She is really catching on to the songs we sing (Head Shoulders Knees & Toes, Itsy Bitsy Spider and If You're Happy And You Know It). After story time, we went and checked out some new Elmo DVD's. PRAISE JESUS they had some because if I have to subject myself to one more episode on the DVR that I have seen a million times I don't know what I'd do!!! From the minute she wakes up until she goes to bed she brings me the remote and says "Elmo"!! I told Delaney she needed to put away her toys when it was bedtime. She said "uppie" and held up her arms. I had NO CLUE she had snapped herself in the stroller. So she went straight to grandma to try to save her from having to help put away her toys----oh and as you can guess, it worked! The girl can work it!!! I can remember being pregnant and laying on the sofa thinking someday this baby is going to lay next to me on the sofa and last night, it happened. She climbed "uppie" and laid next to me with her baby in one hand and her thumb in her mouth (other hand). She pulled up the "nenny" (blanket) and laid there for all of 2.2 seconds. OH.MY.WORD it was so precious. This girl melts every ounce of my soul.................
Here are a couple of other things worth blogging:
The other day Delaney reached up onto the counter and grabbed the cup I use to feed the dog and walked to the garage door. She has never done this before so it just reaffirms how much she soaks up what I do! I know you read these things and think they are silly (well, unless you're a grandparent) but when she does these things for the first time it just amazes me!
While we were at the mall on Wednesday, we were leaving and I was pushing Delaney in her stroller. A new mom was carrying her stroller (it was still folded up) and her mom was carrying the baby in the carrier. She stopped me and said "oh good, you have a Chicco, can you show me how to unfold mine". I looked at my mom and she looked at me. I showed her how to do it and then her mom said "now how do we put the car seat in the stroller". I showed her. They said "this is his first outing". Reinsert my mom and I looking at each other! We just started laughing and said "this was her (pointing at Delaney) first outing too". I then told her she needed to take pictures! I guess she was just going to carry that stroller through the mall until she found another mom with the same one????? I had to tell her that the same thing happened to us (only we did NOT walk around carrying a stroller into the mall that was unfolded!) When we took Delaney to the mall for the first time, we had NO IDEA how to work the stroller. It was already unfolded in the garage so I scooped it up and put it in the back of the car without folding it.........If it is possible to "kidnap" your own daughter then I guess that's what we did. It was Mother's Day and I "forgot" to tell David we were taking Delaney to the mall for "operation Macy's". After several "missed calls" (and not to just me, David was calling grandpa to see if he knew where we were) I "confessed" that we weren't at home behind locked doors so no one would really kidnap Delaney and David's response was "how did you know how to work the stroller"??? He knew I had NO IDEA how to work that stroller!!!! SO, you can imagine how excited I was to see that this girl didn't either! Man, they should teach that stuff in childbirth classes and not teach you how to breath because WHO in their right mind remembers how to do that when you are in labor!!! (I suppose it wouldn't surprise you if I told you David did and kept doing it all the way to the hospital!) Speaking of childbirth class, I was actually thinking about our classes yesterday at story time. There were two dads there with their sons and I laughed to myself because I think it's safe to say David would be the one taking Delaney and sitting up front (we sit in the back) and would probably end up running the class! At childbirth class the instructor had the moms-to-be get on the floor on all fours and do some swaying motion that she wanted us to do while in labor. Which I am sure I would have remembered about as much as I remembered those breathing techniques! Apparently I was not doing this exercise correctly so David got down on the floor in front of the class to show me how to do it correctly! MORTIFYING!!!!!!!!
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