Monday, February 13, 2012

"Act Your "Age"

My sweet girl is going to be turning two soon (as in now I have to say "next month") and she is starting to act like, well, she's about to turn two! This "season" is bringing on new daily challenges.  I am not a parent who reads books on raising kids (I have one) and just last week I checked out "The Happiest Toddler On The Block" from the library and not long into it the DVD messed up and wouldn't play so I decided that was a sign to stick with my original parenting plan of "not listening to the experts" because every child is different.  So I ejected the DVD and went back to folding laundry because the maid once again failed to show up and returned the DVD to the library.  So, where does that leave me when it comes to disciplining?  BACK TO SQUARE ONE!  I know how I DON'T want to parent.
  • I DO NOT use the word "bad" with Delaney.  I try to redirect her attention when she's being "bad"
  • I TRY to ignore "bad" behavior (WHEN I CAN)
  • I DO NOT EVER threaten her with going to bed or "night night" when she's being "bad".  Here's why, it's simple, I don't want to associate bad behavior with her bed.  I think that is counterproductive. I don't want her to think she is being bad when she really is suppose to be going to bed or she won't want to go to bed when she's suppose to. Delaney was born a good sleeper and I am not about to mess that up by making her think her bed is where "bad" behavior sends her! 
  • Spanking??? hhhmm, well the jury's still out on that and YES, I saw the article published this week on Yahoo on how experts say NOT to spank
  • Time Out??? Does anyone have luck with this?  I have heard this doesn't work until kids are at least 2 so I guess I have a month to think about this one!!!
And for those of you who are "still with me" after reading my two cents on are some pictures from our day.......I had no idea that Delaney put the door stopper under the door (and even sent a text to aunt Karey after she left to see if she did it).  I have no clue how she did this.............
 Or do I?
 At this age, Delaney can go from this (she is crying because she wants "another" cookie).........
(Burying her head for "the drama effect")...............
 To climbing right up right next to me on the sofa with her book (even though it's past bedtime)
 Some days are easy, and some days kick me in the....

It just boggles my mind that my sweet baby girl who not so long ago was completely DEPENDENT on me for everything and now overnight (ok so it feels like it) she is gaining some INDEPENDENCE. And we all know that comes with DISCIPLINE.  Now that I know how I don't want to discipline, I guess I need to figure out how I DO want to discipline AND BE CONSISTENT WITH IT.  Or maybe, just maybe, Delaney won't misbehave and I'll never have to!!! But just in case she does, feel free to leave me comments on what works (or doesn't) work for you.

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