Are you still racking your brains trying to figure out how the heck I am going to discipline Delaney? Ya, me too, but for today, we'll just talk about things we love....
First things First, have you seen this movie yet? It is soooooo good and I am sure since it's release, Kleenex has seen a drastic increase in sales! GO SEE IT NOW!!!! (And of course, take your Kleenex)
Delaney wanted to mail out Valentines to her grandparents so we got out the red paint and got to work. Actually, I glued the hand prints on upside down so just turn your head upside down (or flip over your laptop) and you'll see in between Delaney's hands is a heart.....oh well, there's always next year.
Delaney woke up this morning to snow (so little the grass is poking out) but that didn't stop her from putting on her new snow suit and snow boots (coordinated from head to toe in her signature colors of course) and going outside! I"ll let the pictures tell the story (I love the extra pair of gloves hooked to her snow suit--last picture).
After nap time, it was time to get in full Valentine's mode and get ready for our party. That translates to Delaney watched Elmo while I cleaned. Speaking of watching Elmo, today while we were watching it together in the chair she got up and went to get the remote and brought it to me and said "Elmo"......she wanted it fast forwarded until he came back on!
Here are some fun pictures from our party (we had spaghetti and salad and bread sticks from Olive Garden)
Yep, took the "squeaks" out as soon as they were delivered.
I am addicted to all of the FREE printables you can get off the internet.........
We thought about going out to celebrate................
Then we remembered there were small children involved so we had a......
An hour before the girls got here I decided I needed to kick it in gear and go out and get some decorations...oh, did I say go out? I meant go downstairs to the basement which looks like a party supply store! I had us "all pinked out" in a matter of minutes. After dinner Gracie asked me if she could organize Delaney's closet...."
let me think....uuummm, ABSOLUTELY"!
Oh and Delaney got flowers, a teddy bear and candy delivered from her grandpa (who already took her out to dinner this week)!
And then for a brief moment I lost my mind and let her have her first sucker....well, a few licks anyway! And yes, she is topless, I wasn't about to let her get spaghetti sauce on her white shirt. (She will NOT keep bibs on!)
Let me introduce you to our calorie filled tray of heaven....also known as
And then there's this little sweet treat--she's so delicious--I love her fiercely..................(even if this was last year's picture)
Delaney has fun plans tomorrow (you do know that is code for going shopping right??) Here is something funny I wanted to make sure I blog about. The phone rang today while I was in the kitchen and Delaney was in the living room. When I walked in the living room to answer it, she had already climbed onto the sofa to grab the phone AND ANSWERED IT ..."ELLO"....then said "mom" and handed the phone to was a wrong number!!