If you're wondering if the Easter Bunny showed up...............................
Why of course!!!!
And, I found the solution to NOT having to get Delaney's haircut. Thanks Easter Bunny!
It's not easy to get Delaney to look at the camera these days....so, a little bribery goes a long way!
Still won't look at the camera..........
And she's up!
(Yes, our guests had chairs but they are ugly so I thought the picture would be better without them)..........................
And......there was homemade carrot cake! Thanks for all your hard work Ang, it was delicious!
I have no clue why this picture is so small but this is Delaney and her pink bunny last Easter....
And here is Delaney this year with the same bunny!!!
And here is Delaney at 5:00 p.m.!!!! I think she had a "Hoppy" Easter...................
Surprise she lasted until 5pm - she went hard all day long - her little legs had to be tired all the walking she did - and she even got to walk in the kitchen on her own - seeing it from down below instead of being carried in and put in her chair....everything was great. A year has passed and she is sweeter than ever and bigger than the bunny.....