Monday, April 25, 2011

13 Months!

At 9:15 A.M. our doorbell was ringing (clearly, our UPS driver forgot he is NOT suppose to ring the door bell when we have deliveries!!!) and I realize normal people are up at this hour but no one ever said we are normal!! Of course, it was for Delaney....................... But nothing too exciting (unless you think 260 diapers is)!! Delaney sure did like playing with the box though!!!

So what do you think?? Haircut or no?????

Definitely not in the back though!!

Books are no exception to everything going in her mouth!!!!

And here's Delaney's latest......this is the look I get when I tell her "no-no". I may have told her "no-no" just to get this shot!!! THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU BLOG READERS! HA HA HA

Here is the look I got when Delaney couldn't reach her ball and sippy cup.......

And here is "little Miss determined"..............(I bet by her 14 month post she makes it)

How did 13 months go by so fast????????????????????????

Dear Delaney Catherine,

Sometimes I feel like between your monthly blog posts not much has changed but that couldn't be more wrong for this one! You are up to soooooo much these days!!! You are changing daily!

  • I think you still weigh about 20 lbs and are still about 29 1/2 inches

  • You are in your big girl car seat and face forward and love to look out the windshield (although you often fall asleep in the car)

  • You are eating all kinds of foods now and love bananas, avocado, applesauce, and black beans

  • You take your milk from your bottle and your apple juice from your sippy cup

  • You are in size 3 diapers and size 4 when you sleep

  • You are still such a good sleeper and sleep about 12 hours a night

  • You are walking EVERYWHERE!! You are not a full fledge walker but when you are "down" you are basically just walking

  • You are starting to say your version of banana (which sounds like nanna), night night, dog, and sometimes you will say momma but most of the time you yell out "da da"

  • You pretty much still have daily visitors and you get so excited when people come to see you. You stare out the window and start laughing and kicking like you've never seen them before but more than likely you saw them the day before!!!

  • You REALLY get your feelings hurt when you are told "no no" and immediately make a sour face and start crying! It's sooooooooooo darn cute!

  • You continue to fight me on EVERY diaper change

  • You are so squirmy, you constantly want up then down up then down when I am sitting on the sofa

  • From the minute you get up to the minute you go to bed you are EVERYWHERE!! You play with all of your toys and don't really have a favorite

  • You are still obsessed with watching me vacuum

  • You are wearing size 12 months and got TONS of new clothes for your birthday

  • A month from today you return for your follow up visit to the pediatric orthopaedic specialist for follow up x-rays of your hip. He wanted you to return when you are walking so he can check your hip alignment. I HOPE it's the last time you have to visit him

We had such a special moment today. For about 10 minutes or so (the end of Dr. Phil, beginning of Oprah) you were sitting on my lap facing me on the sofa. Normally, you will sit on my lap for just a second before you want back down but you sat so contently and we played peek a boo, itsy bitsy spider and laughed and had so much fun!! But then, the IDIOT down the street started up his LOUD truck (don't worry, I've already called the police about it---YES, I'm THAT neighbor) and it startled you and you got down!

It seems like I was just blogging about Delaney's first birthday ONE MONTH AGO. Actually, it seems like I was just blogging for the first time! I love having this blog to look back on and capture events, holidays, moments, photographs and milestones. SO MANY people tell us how much they enjoy our blog and we love to hear from people! We especially love it when people read the blog and then call us or email us just to tell us how much they loved a particular blog post (Angie R. I hope you know how much I appreciate you taking your breaks to call us especially when we know you could have taken that time to catch up on your People!!) I love that Delaney will someday be able to look back at the blog (and to see how nuts her mom was---Delaney, if you're reading this, I hope you know it was all out of love! ha ha).

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