I don't know what the next 365 days will bring but as Dr. Seuss says.."oh the places you will go". We are going to have so much fun together you just don't even know!!
Happy Birthday Delaney Catherine Newsom!!!!!
Here is what you are up to:
- I am not sure what you weigh because we don't go to your one year check up until March 28th but somewhere around 20 lbs
Same goes for height
You are being introduced to table food and you like pretty much everything I have given you except cottage cheese and mandarin oranges
You are taking a few steps but not walking yet on your own (thank goodness!)
You are a little motor mouth and talk NONSTOP--still trying to figure out where you get this from! ha ha ha
When we are home, you are really good about taking daily naps and nap from about 1-3. And, as much as I love that you nap, I miss you so much when you are napping! I know it's just 2 hours but what can I say---I am pitiful I know!
- On a typical day you wake up around 9, take your morning bottle and cereal and then about 11:30 you eat something else, a banana or something small. You take another bottle at noon and then I try and put you down for your nap at 1. You get up at 3 (I think because you don't want to miss Dr. Phil) and take another bottle at 4 and then you have dinner at 5. You take another bottle about 7:30 and then go to bed at 9. However, you are such a flexible and "go with the flow" (you totally get this from your daddy and not your type "A" mommy) that if we are out and you don't get a nap or we are off on your eating routine, you pick up right where you left off. You are such an easy baby!!!
You have started wearing your 12 months clothes
You wear a size 3 shoe WHEN YOU KEEP THEM ON!!
You say "da-da" NONSTOP and have said it for months---of course you have no desire to say "Momma"---I always knew you liked your daddy better! ha ha ha
You wave "bye bye"
You have started saying "night night"
You have 4 top teeth and 4 bottom teeth and 2 bottom molars and 1 top molar is coming through. People can't believe how many teeth you have!
Love today's post Ashley! Happy Birthday Delaney! There are no words to describe how much your world changes for the better with a child involved. No amount of pictures can capture every move you want to! =)
ReplyDeleteHappy 1st Birthday sweet Delaney. You are so precious. I'm so glad I got to be there and see you as soon as you were born and to share in the excitement of your arrival with all who love you. If you could have only seen the big smiles on your mom and dad faces and to have seen how happy they were. I'll never forget that day. You are always smiling just like your mom and dad too; you have their personality. I love you "Smiley". You are such a joy and blessing to our family.
ReplyDeleteDear Delaney, well it's been a year and where has the time gone. From the day we heard daddy and mommy were expecting "someone" until the night you were born, we knew you would have us wrapped around your tiny heart. Of course you remind me so much of your daddy and that is why I feel we will have a close bond, and it is fun to watch all over again all the 1st's. 1st teeth, to first steps and everything in between. We have the same birthday Month. I bought a swing for the tree, since we always walked outside under the trees when you were going to sleep and we could have our talks. You can always count on grandma to comfort you thru the boo boo's to knowing all about your daddy. Love you bunches, Grandma Terry